SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 What good is SAMIEEE? How can SAMIEEE help me In Performing my IEEE job? What You Can Do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How You GET IT. How do you get into SAMIEEE ? GOTO: WWW. IEEE. ORG SAMIEEE Ed Aoki e. aoki ( at ) ieee. org Note: (at),.(space)
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 Preformatted SAMIEEE Queries What You Can Do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How You GET IT. SFBAC Chapter Chairs, Section, Council Elected Officers And SAMIEEE Representatives WITH an IEEE ID and Password entered into your MyIEEE account A Faster way: use a pre-formatted Query in 2014 GOTO: www. IEEE. Org SAMIEEE GOTO: Catalog, look in the upper left corner of the screen GOTO: Shared Folders, expand GOTO: IEEE Volunteer Queries, expand GOTO: SFBAC, expand and review the list of pre-formatted queries. If you don’t find your SFBAC Organizational Unit (OU) in this list, Ask Ed Aoki to add it.
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 Preformatted SAMIEEE Queries What You Can Do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How You GET IT. SFBAC Chapter Chairs, Section, Council Elected Officers And “SAMIEEE Representatives…” CAUTION: Affinity Group Chairs SAMIEEE Access Privileges GOLD/Young Professionals Chair has access BUT Life Member Chair has NO Access, but… WIE Chair has NO Access, but... IEEE will be working on the access list in the near future. Seeing if the capability is there. Workaround - SAMIEEE Representative/Recipient status.
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 Preformatted SAMIEEE Queries What You Can Do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How You GET IT. SFBAC Chapter Chairs, Section, Council Elected Officers And “SAMIEEE Representatives…” SAMIEEE Representative ? What’s that ? Never heard of it? That is a “position” that has your Chapter Chair’s access to SAMIEEE; useful if the Chair is unable to access SAMIEEE. Request an Elected Officer of your Section to Access vTools at WWW. IEEE. ORG vTools Officers Access your Organizational Unit – OU’s GEOCODE Select “Request a new officer position” Request the addition of a “SAMIEEE Representative”, completing the details requested by the form. Several days later, enter the Chair’s understudy into the new position.
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 What you can do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How you DO IT. Validate ExCom Officer candidates for nomination/election for serving in the new year Identify member grades for all members in your OU for estimating Chapter Rebates sent to the Section for annual Chapter Reports - if you report the number of members in each grade. Identify home city of possible volunteers for your ExCom Identify potential volunteers such as retired or unemployed who would have access through your OU activities to Companies or other IEEE members OR who would be eligible for “retired IEEE member” status for registration at those conference which offer this discount category
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 What you can do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How you DO IT (Cont’d). Create your own OU mailing list (if you have an account that allows you to send out to a large number of addressees at one time.) Identify your members who work at any specific organization for the purpose of establishing a communication relationship with that company. (SCV Section, For this, also use the Corporate Liaison identified by the SCV Section’s CL Program; query John Swan) Are there any other items you want to have added to this listing of “Things You Can Do with SAMIEEE Data” ?? Write them down and hand them to Ed Aoki at the end of this session. Some things CANNOT be done: A SAMIEEE query on Consultants Network for instance.
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 What you can do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How you DO IT. Validate ExCom Officer candidates for nomination/election OR for serving in the new year Sort the downloaded results for your OU by lastname, firstname Inspect the data for each candidate for Appearance in the data for your OU ; If the name is not there, the candidate is not qualified due to several possible factors: The current year dues are not paid up for IEEE or for your OU Society; or the candidate is not in the territory of your OU Chapter. ** IEEE Current Grade Description ; Cannot be Affiliate or Associate; Officer of an STB, SBC or SBA must be Student or Graduate Student Renew Year : Must be the year of the new Term ** To change Sections, ieee.org) and request “contiguous” Section status
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 What you can do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How you DO IT. Identify member grades for all members in your OU for estimating Chapter Rebates sent to Section for annual Chapter Reports if you report the number of members in each grade. Sort the downloaded results for your OU by IEEE Current Grade Description Inspect the data for Current Grade Description Count the number in each grade and record it. Affiliate, Associate, Fellow, Graduate Student, Life Fellow, Life Member, Life Senior, Member, Senior Member, Student Member
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 What you can do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How you DO IT. Sort downloaded results for your OU by Inspect the data for each candidate for the organization’s domain name and annotate that candidate. AND Identify your members who work at any specific organization for the purpose of establishing a communication relationship with that company. (SCV Section, For this, also use the Corporate Liaison identified by the SCV Section’s CL Program; query John Swan) Sort downloaded results for your OU by “Employer Name” Inspect the data for each candidate for the Company’s name and annotate that candidate.
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 What you can do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How you DO IT. Identify home/work city of possible volunteers for your ExCom Sort the downloaded results by Home Address or Work Address Inspect the data for each candidate Identify potential volunteers such as retired or unemployed who would be eligible for “retired IEEE member” status for registration at those conference which offer this discount category Sort the downloaded results for your OU by Employer Name. If you have expanded the query, alternatively sort by Line of business, Job Function, Job Responsibility, or Job Title, each of which will accept “Retired” as a valid entry.
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 What you can do with SAMIEEE Query Data and How you DO IT. Create your own OU mailing list (if you have an account that allows you to send out to a large number of addressees at one time.) Sort the downloaded results for your OU by Send Flag, followed by Send Election Flag, and by Address, depending on the nature of the message And DELETE any with a “NO” which means do NOT send an and DELETE any with a blank or invalid . Sort the downloaded results for your OU by IEEE Current Grade Description; Cannot be Affiliate or Associate – Delete these names; Officer of STB, SBC or SBA must be Student or Graduate Student and NOT member or higher. If the mailing is for Nominations or Elections, then
SFBAC SAMIEEE Demographics 2014 NEED HELP ? Guidance? Helen Shiminsky She’s knowledgeable and she can show you all sorts of tricks of the SAMIEEE trade. Are there any other items you want to have added to this listing?? Write them down and hand them to Ed Aoki at the end of this session. Some are possible - CAN’T GET ACCESS TO SAMIEE? Check this out to determine your ability to access SAMIEEE