Major Career Where do you want begin? Research What can I do with a Major in…?
Evaluate YOU Interests Personality traits & Strengths Values Skills External Influences Family Culture Spouse/Dependents Barriers Career Counseling can Help!
DISCOVER Majors and Careers for your Type Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional
To Learn More about College Majors… Review the college catalog degree programs and the course descriptions at the end of the catalog. View academic department web pages. Attend Department Information Sessions. Register for an elective course in an area you are interested in. Check out Major-Career Converters Online!
To Explore Careers…Get the Facts about: 1) The nature of the work/typical job duties 2) Skills and Personality Traits for job success 3) Demand or Job outlook; Labor Market Information 4) Potential for advancement & growth/Career ladder 5) Salary ranges 6) Education/Training Required (Vocational/Technical Training/Associate’s Degree, Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate?) Helpful Research Tools [Search by keyword, job title, industry name]
Talk with Faculty and other students about their degree programs. Network with alumni and others working in occupations that interest you (by attending Career Information Seminars or doing informational interviews with friends, family, relatives, etc.) Join a student club or professional association that relates to your major and/or field of interest.
Volunteer or participate in a Service Learning course Take part in an Internship Get a part-time job Take advantage of a research opportunity with a faculty member. Join a student organization and assume a role that has some responsibility.
Evaluate & Make Decisions Pros and Cons of Career Options Narrow Down to “Best Fits” Occupations List - Interests -Skills -Lifestyle Needs -Values Confirm your decision with someone you trust.
Action Steps Specific & Simple Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely Consider Obstacles/Challenges to Reaching Career Goals
My Career Action Plan Career Goal Purpose of this goal Action Steps Timeline (Start date, end date?) Obstacles/Challenges Resources Available? Schedule Career Check-up Appointment
Know Yourself and Believe in Yourself Focus on the journey, not the destination- Become a good traveler. You’re not alone. Access your allies, and be a good ally. Change is constant and brings with it new opportunities. Learning is life-long. And so is career development.