Chancellor’s Office Update Pamela D. Walker Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs 1 July 9, 2015 ASCCC Curriculum Institute Anaheim, CA.


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Presentation transcript:

Chancellor’s Office Update Pamela D. Walker Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs 1 July 9, 2015 ASCCC Curriculum Institute Anaheim, CA

Chancellor’s Office months and counting … 2

Acronyms A.A.Associate Degree of Arts AACCAmerican Association of Community Colleges AAC&UAssociation of American Colleges and Universities A.A.-TAssociate Degree in Arts for Transfer ACEAmerican Council on Education ACCEAssociation of Community and Continuing Education ACCTAmerican Community College Trustees ACCJCAccrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges ADTAssociate Degree for Transfer AHSDAdult High School Diploma A.S.Associate Degree of Science A.S.-TAssociate Degree in Science for Transfer ASCCCAcademic Senate for the California Community Colleges ASSISTStatewide Student Transfer Information for California BSIBasic Skills Initiative BS/ESLBasic Skills/English as a Second Language BCPBudget Change Proposal BOGBoard of Governors C-IDCourse Identification Numbering System CAHSEECalifornia High School Exit Exam CANCalifornia Articulation Numbering CCAOECalifornia Community College Association for Occupational Education CBOChief Business Officer 3

CCAComplete College America CCC California Community Colleges CCCCOCalifornia Community Colleges Chancellor's Office CDCPCareer Development and College Preparation CDECalifornia Department of Education CDPCalifornia Diploma Project CECCalifornia Education Code CICurriculum Inventory CIOChief Instructional Officer CIOCCCChief Instructional Officers of the California Community Colleges CIPClassification of Instruction Programs CORCourse Outline of Record CSI NetsCalifornia STEM Innovation Networks CSUCalifornia State University CORECourse Outline of Record Evaluator CTECareer Technical Education DASDivision of Apprenticeship Standards DEDistance Education DEDData Element Dictionary DIGDiscipline Input Group DOFDepartment of Finance DOLDepartment of Labor DSPSDisabled Student Program and Services 4

EDDEmployment Development Department ESLEnglish as a Second Language FCCCFoundation for California Community Colleges FSSFund for Student Success FTESFull-time Equivalent Students GEGeneral Education ICASIntersegmental Committee of Academic Senate ICCIntersegmental Coordinating Committee ICWIntersegmental Curriculum Workgroup IGETCIntersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum IHELPInstitute for Higher Education Leadership & Policy IPEDSIntegrated Postsecondary Education Data System IOCImplementation Oversight Committee ISAInstructional Service Agreement LAOLegislative Analyst Office LMILabor Market Information MCHSMiddle College High School MESAMathematics Engineering and Science Achievement MISManagement Information Systems MOUMemorandum of Understanding NLSNational Legislative Summit NPANursing Practice Act NSFNational Science Foundation 5

OEIOnline Education Initiative OEROpen Educational Resources RFPRequest for Proposals RSIRelated and Supplemental Instruction SACCSystem Advisory Committee on Curriculum SCANSSecretaries Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills SPStudent Program SSTFStudent Success Task Force STEMScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics TBATo Be Arranged TMCTransfer Model Curriculum TOPTaxonomy of Programs TTACTelecommunications and Advisory Committee UCUniversity of California UCOPUniversity of California Office of the President WASCWestern Association of Schools and Colleges WCETWICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies WICHEWestern Interstate Commission for Higher Education 3CSNCalifornia Community College Success Network 4C/SDCalifornia Community College Council for Staff and Organizational Development 6

Map of California 7

SB 1440 and SB 440 1,816 ADTs approved through June 30, of the approved ADTs are in disciplines where no AA/AS degree previously existed for the college. SB 1440 goal of 100% was achieved in December SB 440 goal is currently at 91%, with more than half of the CCCs at, or exceeding, their collage goal (final date August 31, 2015). 8

AB 2462 Military Credit (2012, Block) By July 1, 2015, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCC), using common course descriptors and pertinent recommendations of the American Council on Education, shall determine for which courses credit should be awarded for prior military experience. 9

SB 1391 Inmate Education (2014, Hancock) Four districts selected for pilot sites:  Antelope Valley  Chaffey  Los Rios  Lassen One-time funding of $400,000 per district. Develop and implement sustainable and scalable inmate education programs. Face-to-face instruction. Rigorous assessment and student services. BJ Snowden, Director 10

SB 850 Baccalaureate Degree (2014, Block) 120-days from start to naming 15 Pilot Colleges. The Academic Senate has established a taskforce on minimum qualifications, and upper division GE and courses. Held 1st Baccalaureate Degree Summit in June. Collaboration with Student Services, Instruction, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC). 11


MESA, MCHS, and Puente Governor Brown signed into budget language an additional $2.4 Million for the Fund for Student Success (FSS). An increase for each program area of approx. 60%. Restoring Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA) program funding to 2008 levels. Middle College High School (MCHS) will be able to fund 7 additional programs. 13

Dual Enrollment AB 288 (2015, Holden) is currently going through the legislative process. Academic Affairs is forming an Advisory Committee for the “Toolkit” which will consist of members across the segments. MCHS Toolkit 14

C-ID C-ID provides the foundation for the ADT's and will be integrated into the new ASSIST. Great collaboration with CSU and our faculty. You have completed over 15,000 CCC courses have received C-ID determinations. C-IDs will be developed for CTE and Basic Skills. Mt. San Antonio College received the C-ID grant in May and will work with the ASCCC. 15

Technical Assistance Numerous on-site college visits. Presentations made at various conferences, institutes, and workshops. Collaboration within the Chancellor’s Office and with statewide leadership. Numerous statewide meetings. Conference calls, s and phone coaching. Interpretation of legislation and regulations. 16

Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) PCAH, 5 th Edition is still in effect. A PCAH writing group was appointed by CIOs and the Academic Senate in January 2015; a draft was submitted to SACC in April. Although there is still much work to be completed, draft components will be presented at the institute. The regulatory process for agency guidelines includes a review by Legal Counsel. We are pleased to announce the Interim Legal Counsel, Thuy Nguyen, started July 1. 17

System Advisory Committee on Curriculum (SACC) Provides a collaborative forum for system level discussions on curriculum to inform related Chancellor's Office policies and practices. Currently working with the writing group and the Chancellor’s Office on the PCAH. Discussion issues include noncredit, prerequisites, ESL coding, adult education, CDCP funding and course repetition. 18

Curriculum Inventory (CI) As of July 1, 2015, Curriculum Inventory contained 323,729 course proposals and 22,878 programs. On average, the Academic Affairs Division approves more than 14,000 proposals a year. Academic Affairs rarely denies but more than 4,000 revision requests where returned to the colleges this year for corrections. 19

Curriculum Inventory (CI) (cont.) Dramatic increase between Revision of California Code of Regulations, title 5 and course repeatability. Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) SB 1440 (2010) and SB 440 (2013) Stand-alone credit course approval (AB 1943) 2006, with a sunset (AB 1027, 2011) 20

Technology Center Couch to Competitor: Getting In Shape with Curriculum Management Pamela Walker, Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs David Shippen, Director Student Services CCCTC 21


Curriculum Management - Components CO Curriculum management system: – Performance, data integrity, and workflow College-based curriculum systems: – Performance, data integrity, workflow, and implementation schedules 23

Education Planning Initiative 24 EPI Student Portal Explore Apply Assess Orient Services Planning Ed Plan Degree Audit Retention Articulation C-ID ASSIST eTranscript Curriculum Inventory

CO Curriculum Management 25 Performance, data integrity, workflow – Dedicated resources – Business process – Prioritized tickets in Test – Project oversight – Protect, Stabilize, Automate

College-Based Curriculum Systems CurricUNET in > 70% of institutions  Migrations to META Emerging systems Address:  Data integrity  Interoperability  Performance  Migration 26

Exercise Program Personal Trainer Supportive Circle of Friends Set goals Establish a routine Track progress Be accountable 27

Next Steps Q1Q2Q3Q4 Governance -Recruit -Charter -Findings -Direction -Monitor -Assess -Monitor -Assess Protect -Edits Stabilize - Integrity Automate -Interop -Workflow 28

Academic Affairs Collaborate with Student Services, Workforce, and Institutional Effectiveness Basic Skills 18 staff Here to serve you! Questions and comments? 29