ETD Submission Process Fall 2011 Valerie Emerson ETD Administrator, Gelman Library / (202)
Before you Submit …… Review the information on publishing options (Open Access vs. Traditional) and copyright information BEFORE you submit! Review the information on publishing options (Open Access vs. Traditional) and copyright information BEFORE you submit! Open Access vs. Traditional Publishing: (ProQuest Resources) Open Access vs. Traditional Publishing: (ProQuest Resources) Publishing Options: Publishing Options: Embargos and Restrictions: Embargos and Restrictions: Intellectual Property and Copyright (ProQuest Resources) Intellectual Property and Copyright (ProQuest Resources) Copyright Law and Graduate Research: Copyright Law and Graduate Research: Protecting Your Intellectual Property: Protecting Your Intellectual Property:
Publication Options
Review the approved and final version of your document to ensure it meets the University’s and your graduate school’s formatting guidelines before you convert it to a.pdf and upload your manuscript. Review the approved and final version of your document to ensure it meets the University’s and your graduate school’s formatting guidelines before you convert it to a.pdf and upload your manuscript. ETD Style Guide ETD Style Guide School Guidelines School Guidelines
Submission Process Create an account on the ProQuest ETD website, Create an account on the ProQuest ETD website, (Hint: The link for GWU is under “The” George Washington University.) If you create one or more accounts, please withdraw all submissions that will not be submitted for actual review. About You: You will receive s (from ProQuest) at various stages in the submission process. About You: You will receive s (from ProQuest) at various stages in the submission process. Use an address you check on a regular basis and can handle.pdf documents. Use an address you check on a regular basis and can handle.pdf documents. Add to your address book to avoid these s going to your spam box. Add to your address book to avoid these s going to your spam box. Complete the ETD Details pages Complete the ETD Details pages Upload your manuscript as a.pdf. Upload your manuscript as a.pdf. The main manuscript must be submitted as a single.pdf file. You may also upload supplementary files as needed. The main manuscript must be submitted as a single.pdf file. You may also upload supplementary files as needed. You may use the PDF converter in your Word Processor, Adobe Acrobat or the.pdf converter provided on the ETD Submission site. You may use the PDF converter in your Word Processor, Adobe Acrobat or the.pdf converter provided on the ETD Submission site. If a single file or the main document + supplementary files combined is greater than 250MB, please contact the Library ETD Administrator for instructions on how to proceed. Depending on the circumstances, all or part of your submission will have to be submitted on CD Rom or DVD. If a single file or the main document + supplementary files combined is greater than 250MB, please contact the Library ETD Administrator for instructions on how to proceed. Depending on the circumstances, all or part of your submission will have to be submitted on CD Rom or DVD. Hand in your completed ETD Approval Form to your graduate school office: Hand in your completed ETD Approval Form to your graduate school office:
Submission Review Submission is reviewed to ensure it conforms to the University and/or school specific formatting guidelines. Submission is reviewed to ensure it conforms to the University and/or school specific formatting guidelines. If revisions are required, you will receive an detailing the required changes. If revisions are required, you will receive an detailing the required changes. Make the corrections and upload your revisions. Make the corrections and upload your revisions. You will need to make the corrections to your word document, embed the fonts when you save it, and then convert it to a.pdf to upload your revision to your ETD account. You will need to make the corrections to your word document, embed the fonts when you save it, and then convert it to a.pdf to upload your revision to your ETD account. NOTE: NOTE: You must click on the Save and Continue buttons until you see a Submit button. You must click on the Save and Continue buttons until you see a Submit button. You then MUST click on the final Submit button to automatically notify the ETD/School Administrator that your revisions have been made. You then MUST click on the final Submit button to automatically notify the ETD/School Administrator that your revisions have been made.
Submission Review Once your submission meets the formatting requirements, it will be locked and forwarded to your ETD School Administrator for final approval. Once your submission meets the formatting requirements, it will be locked and forwarded to your ETD School Administrator for final approval. Your School Administrator must have the following information in hand to complete the final review process: Your School Administrator must have the following information in hand to complete the final review process: Graduation Application: Graduation Application: Completed ETD Approval Form: ( Completed ETD Approval Form: ( For Doctoral Candidates only: a confirmation certifying the Survey of Earned Doctorates has been completed. ( ) For Doctoral Candidates only: a confirmation certifying the Survey of Earned Doctorates has been completed. ( ) Surveys may be completed online by going to the above URL. Forward the confirmation you received upon completion of the Survey to your School Administrator to verify you have completed the survey, OR Surveys may be completed online by going to the above URL. Forward the confirmation you received upon completion of the Survey to your School Administrator to verify you have completed the survey, OR You may complete a paper survey to be turned in to your School Administrator You may complete a paper survey to be turned in to your School Administrator Both Master’s and Doctoral Candidates are asked to complete the Both Master’s and Doctoral Candidates are asked to complete the Graduate Student Survey ( ) online. Graduate Student Survey ( ) online.
Submission Process When your submission has been accepted, you will receive an from ProQuest indicating that you met all the requirements for graduation. Please allow 6-8 weeks for ProQuest to process and publish your manuscript once it has been delivered. Submission with very large files will take longer to process and publish.
Monitoring the Process Links located on the left-hand column of the ETD Details page allows you to track the progress of your submission. View Decisions: this is a record of communication from the ETD Administrators, including s detailing the revisions requested by the ETD/School Administrator. View Decisions: this is a record of communication from the ETD Administrators, including s detailing the revisions requested by the ETD/School Administrator. View Revision History: this displays all of the different versions of your submission uploaded to the system. The most current version should always be checked. View Revision History: this displays all of the different versions of your submission uploaded to the system. The most current version should always be checked. View History: Follows the progression of decisions/changes made for your submission. View History: Follows the progression of decisions/changes made for your submission.
Monitoring Your Progress ETD Status box: (upper right-hand corner of the Details page) Administrator Status Explanation Assign Submitted ETD has been submitted, but no action has been taken. Assign Submitted ETD has been submitted, but no action has been taken. Contact Group, GWU Waiting for Revisions (Minor)* ETD has been reviewed and minor changes have been requested. Contact Group, GWU Waiting for Revisions (Minor)* ETD has been reviewed and minor changes have been requested. Your School Administrator Ready for Checklist ETD conforms to formatting standards and has been assigned to your graduate school administrator. Your School Administrator Ready for Checklist ETD conforms to formatting standards and has been assigned to your graduate school administrator. Your School Administrator Register Decision: Accepted* ETD has passed final review, you have met all the graduation requirements, and your manuscript is ready to be delivered to ProQuest. Your School Administrator Register Decision: Accepted* ETD has passed final review, you have met all the graduation requirements, and your manuscript is ready to be delivered to ProQuest. Your School Administrator Scheduled for Delivery Your submission has been scheduled for delivery to ProQuest. Your School Administrator Scheduled for Delivery Your submission has been scheduled for delivery to ProQuest. Your School Administrator Delivered* Your manuscript has been delivered to ProQuest. Please allow 6-8 weeks for your submission to be processed and published. Your School Administrator Delivered* Your manuscript has been delivered to ProQuest. Please allow 6-8 weeks for your submission to be processed and published. * The ETD website will automatically generate an at these points in the process.
Publication Once delivered to ProQuest, your thesis/dissertation will be published by ProQuest in approximately 6-8 weeks. Submissions that have very large files will take longer. Once delivered to ProQuest, your thesis/dissertation will be published by ProQuest in approximately 6-8 weeks. Submissions that have very large files will take longer. Electronic copies of theses/dissertations are sent to Gelman Library’s Institutional Repository as they are published. Electronic copies of theses/dissertations are sent to Gelman Library’s Institutional Repository as they are published. Catalog records on the ETD Details page are created and uploaded into the ALADIN Catalog on a monthly basis. Catalog records on the ETD Details page are created and uploaded into the ALADIN Catalog on a monthly basis. The full text will be available through the ALADIN Catalog or the ProQuest database, Dissertations and Theses Online unless you have requested an embargo. The full text will be available through the ALADIN Catalog or the ProQuest database, Dissertations and Theses Online unless you have requested an embargo. In the case of an embargoed dissertation/thesis, bibliographic information including the abstract you supplied on the ETD Details page will be available in the both Catalog and the ProQuest database. In the case of an embargoed dissertation/thesis, bibliographic information including the abstract you supplied on the ETD Details page will be available in the both Catalog and the ProQuest database. If you choose to allow search engines to discover your work, only the citation information will be displayed. If you choose to allow search engines to discover your work, only the citation information will be displayed.