Dual Enrollment Meeting Students and Parents
Mr. Ron Barker Ms. Linda Williams
3.0 cumulative high school GPA for AA or AS programs 2.0 cumulative high school GPA for vocational programs College ready test scores on PERT, ACT, and/or SAT TABE test scores for vocational programs
PERT ◦ Writing – 103+ ◦ Reading – 106+ ◦ Math – 114+ ACT ◦ English – 17+ ◦ Reading – 19+ ◦ Math – 19+ SAT ◦ Verbal – 440+ ◦ Math – 440+ ◦ *S cores are combined to best benefit the student.
Students must test ‘college ready’ in Reading & English to take any dual enrollment course, except Student Success (SLS 1501) Test ‘college ready’ in Math prior to taking specific Science and Math dual enrollment courses ◦ Recommendation: PERT Math taken after HS Algebra II ◦ Within completion of 12 credit hours of college course work.
All Associate Degree students must declare a meta major. No tuition costs or lab fees for the student. No textbook costs for the student.
No wait listing for college courses. Students are eligible and responsible for all high school activities and deadlines. Grades and course withdrawals are a permanent part of a student’s academic record.
Any class that fits into the major chosen by the student. Classes on the FGC campus, the Belmont Academy campus, online classes, evening classes, summer classes (6-week courses). Vocational courses must earn Industrial Certification. Remedial classes are not allowed. PE classes are not allowed. Duplicate classes are not allowed. (ex: AP Psychology and PSY2012)
College classes: 2-3 hrs of homework per class meeting More independent learning, less teacher directed No credit for D College level material and discussion Firm deadlines High School classes: More work done in the classroom, not as much homework Teacher directed, more help from teacher Credit for D Geared toward high school age students More flexible deadlines at times due to extra-curricular activities and other school events
SLS 1501 – The College Experience is now required for all beginning college students seeking an AA degree. This course is designed to facilitate the development of skills necessary to be successful in the college environment. Belmont Academy students beginning Dual Enrollment must take this course during their first semester of participation in DE.
Check your cumulative GPA. See your Guidance Counselor or if you’re not sure. You must have an eligible GPA before PERT testing or registering for DE classes. Attend a mandatory DE meeting with a parent or guardian. Take one or more college entrance tests to determine test score eligibility. See your Guidance Counselor to complete your application and register for Dual Enrollment classes.
Books are distributed through Belmont Academy. All books must be picked up before the first day of classes. Books must be returned or paid for before new books can be picked up for the following semester. Failure to return books results in the student being put on the Belmont Academy obligation list.
Applications for SUMMER due April 29th Summer 2015 registration begins April 8 th Applications for FALL due August 10 th Fall 2015 registration begins May 18 th
Any schedule changes will originate at Belmont Academy. All drop/adds must occur before the deadline. Withdrawals from college courses have a negative impact on a college transcript.