2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 1 Design Studies of an X-band Multi- beam Klystron S. Fukuda KEK Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 2 Motivation to develop x-band MBK X-band compact linac are desired for the medical use and non-destructive inspection; ex. Cyber-knife machine, handy X-ray inspection for chemical plant. We have developed the compact linac of 900keV collaborating between KEK and Tokyo university. RF source was a commercial magnetron. It is desired to develop a mbk for the next stage. If we are succeeded in obtaining the competitive budget, we want to develop an X-band mbk. Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 3 Achieving goal of MBK design Lower applied voltage not to use the insulation oil or to use a small insulation oil cup. Output Power (1) Output power of 2 MW. (2) Output power of a10 MW or more. Two approach: (1) usual multi-gun assemblies for MBK and (2) magnetic compression gun for MBK (more high power version). Designs were performed by Russians of BINP: Dr. Vladimir Teryaev and Dr. Alexsander Larionov at KEK. Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 4 Project and Parameters (1) Required parameters: V beam =50kV P rf out =2MW P rf in < 50W Loading of the cathode should be no more than 7A/cm 2 Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 5 Parameters (2) Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 6 Sketch of whole MBK Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 7 Gun Simulation Micro-perv. of a beam-let=1.25 Current of a beam-let=14A Bz=2.5kG, Bz/Bb=2 Focusing by 2-lenses compensation of transverse Field, less than 0.005Bz Magnetic field is a key point. Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 8 Cavity simulation TM410 Mode is used. 6 cavities system Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 9 Electromagnet Design Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 10 Klystron simulation : one dimensional and Magic simulation Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 11 Design Difficulties and Drawback Hot dimension of the cathode Different expansion factors between copper and iron for magnetic lens High perveance of 10 microperv. can lead the instability, and beam tester is required. Collector is also possible source of instability and model test is required. Drawback: low efficiency of 40% due to a high microperv of a beam-let. Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 12 More high power version: Larionov ’ s approach Magnetically compression for MBK More larger cathodes are possibly used. ( more beam intensity) Number of the cathodes (i.e. beamlets) are possibly used. Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 13 Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop MW 10.1MW 9.8MW Accelerator Laboratory, KEK
2009/3/3US High Gradient Research Collaboration Workshop 15 Summary X-band mbk is desired for an application of a compact linac such as medical use and non- destructive inspection use. Design attempts of X-band mbk in KEK are shown. Features of low applied voltage to the klystron around 50-60kV are achieving goal of these designs. Accelerator Laboratory, KEK