Ionizing Radiation
Lecture outline Ionizing radiation 1. X-ray radiation 2. Complex Roentgen equipment З. Medical equipment based on use of ionizing radiation
Roentgen medical equipment 1. Roentgen (X-ray) radiation 2. X-ray tube 3. X-ray devices 4. Computed Tomography (CT)
Roentgen (X-ray) radiation X-ray radiation – are electromagnetic waves with wavelength range between and 10 nm.
Ivan Pulyui Lamp
X-ray tube with rotating anode
Intensity of X-rays
Roentgen diagnostic complex hardware
Roentgen diagnostic computer operated complex hardware
Block Scheme of X-ray diagnostic device
Examination of a patient using mobile X- ray diagnostic device
Mobile X-ray diagnostic device
Monoblock of an X-ray device,,Арман-1’’
Block Scheme of an “РДА”
Computer system for X-ray CT examination
Scheme of CT examination
Internal view of a CT scanner
Block Diagram of a CT scanner
Procedure for CT scanning
Roentgen equipment for examination of blood vessels 1. Roentgen spectra 2. Moseley's law З. Angiography 4. Angiographs
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen – inventor of X-rays
Ivan Pavlovich Pulyui – inventor of Roentgen tube prototype
Dependence of Х-ray intensity on voltage
Dependence of X-ray minimal wavelength on voltage
Characteristic X-ray spectrum
Mechanism of characteristic x-ray spectra generation
Moseley's law,
Moseley's constant
Coefficient of Х-ray absorption
Comparison of X-ray absorption coefficients for bones and water
Angiograph from the 2 nd City Hospital, Ternopil
Vascular visualization using angiography
Vascular angiography of human hands
Medical equipment based on use of ionizing radiation 1. Laws of radioactive decay. 2. Types of radioactive decay. 3. Composition of gamma-knife, cyber-knife, positron-emission tomography (PET), linear accelerator.
Law of Radioactive Decay
The activity of a radioactive substance
Alpha (α)-Decay
Beta (β) -decay
Radioactive radiation
Three types of radioactive radiation
Gamma-radiation based device
Gamma (γ)-knife
Linear Accelerator
Schematic visualization of operational principle for linear accelerator
Operational principles for Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Principle of Positron Emission Tomography
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