General propositions South African schooling is driven largely by supply-side measures South African schooling is driven largely by supply-side measures Since 1994 government has made great strides in equalising public inputs to schools Since 1994 government has made great strides in equalising public inputs to schools On the accountability side government makes few demands on its officials, principals and teachers On the accountability side government makes few demands on its officials, principals and teachers
General propositions (contd) While little is known about actual performance what evidence exists indicates that little learning is happening in the early years While little is known about actual performance what evidence exists indicates that little learning is happening in the early years Where direct measures of performance do exist, these are often not well constructed Where direct measures of performance do exist, these are often not well constructed In addition the debate on indicators is in a crude stage of development In addition the debate on indicators is in a crude stage of development Hence the application of indicators can lead to system deformation Hence the application of indicators can lead to system deformation
Indicators of sytemic quality Inputs Funding FundingProcesses Performance management Performance managementOutputs Participation of girls Participation of girls Throughput rates Throughput rates Senior Certificate results Senior Certificate results Systemic assessment Systemic assessment
Inputs: School and overall social spending YearBlackColouredIndianWhiteTOTAL Social services: spending increase (Rm) Social services: per capita increase (%) ,1%-10,2%-16,8%-16,6%5,7% ,6%0,2%-5,0%-0,6%17,1% ,8%-10,0%-20,9%-17,1%23,8% Schooling: share of spending (%) ,1%14,3%5,9%21,6%100% ,5%10,9%4,0%14,7%100% ,2%8,2%2,6%9,9%100%
Processes: performance management Standoff with the teacher unions has delayed the establishment of any system for 10 years Standoff with the teacher unions has delayed the establishment of any system for 10 years This is a legacy of apartheid, where school inspection was seen as part of government surveillance This is a legacy of apartheid, where school inspection was seen as part of government surveillance In 2003 an accord was signed between DoE and unions In 2003 an accord was signed between DoE and unions However, this will require a long period of development before it can have any effect on quality of schooling However, this will require a long period of development before it can have any effect on quality of schooling
Number of Male and Female Learners by Grade, 2000
Flow through rates by race Grade and year BlacksWhitesColouredsIndians G1 in G10 in ,491,543,996,0 G12 in ,079,025,673,6 SC passes 14,170,921,066,7
Flow through rates 1993, 1997 and 2001 LEVEL Grade Grade Grade na Matric pass Exemption
Senior Certificate results YearNoCandidatesNoPassesPercentincreasePercentPass , , , , , , ,1569
Senior Certificate exemptions YearNoCandidatesNoExemptionsPercentExemptPercentincrease , , , , , , , ,84
Math Senior Certificate results No of candidates Percent writing math 42%55%58%59%59% Percent math pass 21%24%26%27%32% Pass on SG 17%20%21%23%27% Pass on HG 4%4%5%4%5%
Systemic assessment: Government Policy promulgated in 1998 for periodic sample testing in grades 3, 6 and 9 Policy promulgated in 1998 for periodic sample testing in grades 3, 6 and 9 A pilot was conducted in 2001, but the report was delayed for 18 months A pilot was conducted in 2001, but the report was delayed for 18 months When it was finally released at beginning of 2003 it raised more questions than it answered When it was finally released at beginning of 2003 it raised more questions than it answered WC province began administering grade 3 and 6 literacy and numeracy tests in 2002, and plans to repeat these every 2 years WC province began administering grade 3 and 6 literacy and numeracy tests in 2002, and plans to repeat these every 2 years
Systemic assessment: Non-Government TIMSS: 38 countries, including SA at grade 8 in 1998 TIMSS: 38 countries, including SA at grade 8 in 1998 Monitoring Learning Achievement: 14 Southern African countries, including SA involved in 1995 (grade 4) and 2003 (grade 6) Monitoring Learning Achievement: 14 Southern African countries, including SA involved in 1995 (grade 4) and 2003 (grade 6)
South Africa performance on Grade 4 MLA numeracy test
Systemic assessment: Non-Government JET literacy and numeracy tests for grade 3 and 6 Commenced in 1999 Commenced in 1999 Motivated by donor need to establish baselines and track progress in school reform programmes Motivated by donor need to establish baselines and track progress in school reform programmes To date administered in over 1000 schools in 5 languages in 7 provinces To date administered in over 1000 schools in 5 languages in 7 provinces Provided the model for the WC provincial tests Provided the model for the WC provincial tests
Conclusion: SA What few output indicators exist show the SA school system in a poor state of health What few output indicators exist show the SA school system in a poor state of health This will not improve without greater demand from stakeholders for information This will not improve without greater demand from stakeholders for information The greatest inhibitor to developing a climate of accountability is lack of government leadership The greatest inhibitor to developing a climate of accountability is lack of government leadership Not clear whether government tardiness is due to lack of capacity, or ideological distaste for output measures, probably both Not clear whether government tardiness is due to lack of capacity, or ideological distaste for output measures, probably both
Conclusion: Role of Ngo sector Provide workable models for collecting and using information: eg test now in use in WC Provide workable models for collecting and using information: eg test now in use in WC Which information? Which information? Balanced picture so as not to distort system Balanced picture so as not to distort system need info in Inputs, Process, and Outputs Within each of these categories need balance Within each of these categories need balance eg on Outputs need info on eg Quantity, Quality and Efficiency Balance sophistication vs ease of collection and ease of public understanding Balance sophistication vs ease of collection and ease of public understanding