Edmodo Workshop
Edmodo’s mission is to connect all learners with the people and resources they need to reach their full potential
44,000,00044,000,000+ TOTAL USERS AROUND THE WORLD Edmodo is the largest social learning network in the world
Edmodo Platform Student Safety and Privacy Workshop Outcomes Closed Environment No private information required from students Student join groups by invitation from teachers ONLY No private chat between students All communications are archived Teacher has full management control
Anytime, Anywhere Learning
Create Your Teacher Account Create a teacher account if you are a teacher, administrator, or have another role in education
Update Your Account Settings Select your School Click the drop-down arrow to access settings Upload a photo or an avatar Customize or text notifications
Create Your Profile Tell others about yourself- add your role in education, interests, websites, blogs, Twitter, etc. View your badges - earn more by using Edmodo in new ways!
Teacher Homepage Post assignments, reminders, polls, or discussion questions Create groups for classes, clubs, PLCs, online courses, etc. Store unlimited content for easy sharing and re- use
Get Verified Verification Process To be able to create student groups (K-8th grade), you must be verified. Create Groups Today If you are not verified immediately, you can still create groups that are 9th grade - higher education. If you are K-8 teacher, please create a higher education group today and change the information in settings after you are verified.
Notes and Polls Creating Notes Main communication in your group Immediate feedback, actionable data Creating Polls All polls are anonymous = lower stress and apprehension for students Quick check for understanding Choose Groups, schedule, add questions
Create Groups 1. Select the “+” in Groups section 2. Complete group information 3. Distribute Group Code or “Join Group” URL to members
Student Sign-Up Students who ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT can log in and click the “+” Students are NOT required to give address NEW Students use your group code to register for a new account …And then enter the group code to join group
Parent Accounts Students are NOT required to give address NEW Parent use the Parent Code from your Child’s Student Account
Assignments Create Your Own Assignments Allow for more creative projects Add attachments, links, or from library Stay Organized Automatically Added to Calendar Communicates to Student and Parent Accounts Progress Column Automatically Added to Planner Sort by Student and Assign Comments