DESIGN (verb) PRONUNCIATION : design DEFINITION : to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for (a work to be executed), especially to plan the form and structure of: to design a new bridge. Overdesign, verb Predesign, verb (used with object) Redesign, verb Self-design, noun Synonyms : architecture, arrangement, blueprint, chart, comp, composition, conception, constitution, construction, delineation, depiction, diagram, doodle, drawing, dummy, form, formation, idea, layout, makeup, map, method, model, outline, paste-up, pattern, perspective, picture, architecturearrangementblueprintcompositionconceptionconstitutionconstruction delineationdepictiondrawingdummyform formationidealayoutmakeupmapmethodmodeloutlinepatternperspectivepicture Antonyms : disorder, disorganize disorder Sentences : a scholarship designed for foreign students. -The constructors couldn ’ t agree with the government to design a new bridge.
POTENTIAL (Adjective) PRONUNCIATION : poTEN tial DEFINITION : 1.Possible, as opposed to actual: the potential uses of nuclear energy. nuclear energy 2. Capable of being or becoming: a potential danger to safety. FAMILY WORD : Potency, potent, potentate, potence, potential drop, potential energy, potential difference SYNONYMS : accessible, accomplishable, at hand, available, cherry pie, duck soup, easy, feasible, gettable, likely, no problem, no sweat, obtainable, piece of cake, possible, potential, practicable, probable, procurable, reachable, realizable, securableaccessibleavailableeasyfeasible potential ANTONYMS : unachievable, unattainable, unreachableunattainable SENTENCES : -I am eager to do what I can to help the children of our province reach full potential. -Iran Has a potential to make the nuclear energy.
RESTRICT (Verb, used with object) PRONUNCIATION : res-STRICT DEFINITION : To confine or keep within limits, as of space, action, choice, intensity, or quantity. FAMILY WORD : restricter, restrictor, noun derestrict, verb (used with object) nonrestricting, adjective over-restrict, verb (used with object) pre-restrict, verb (used with object) SYNONYMS : curb, circumscribe, abridge, restrain. Antonyms - free. SENTENCES : - The new measures also restrict the ability of foreign students to bring family members into the country with them. -Clients would face a lot of opposition if they tried to restrict managers' fees.