How to Join the PEP uP Google Group Step-by-step instructions
When you click on the link to the Google Group from the PEP uP Collaborative Tools page, you will be taken to this page. You have two options: a)If you already have a google account you’d like to use, you can sign in now (once signed in, proceed to step 7) b)If you’d prefer to use your work (not a gmail account) follow the steps outlined in the next several slides STEP 1: click on the link that says “sign in to view this group”
STEP 2: Click on the link in the top corner which says “sign up”
STEP 3: Fill in the information on the “create an account page. In the “current address” field, specify whichever address you want to be associated with the PEP uP Google Group.
STEP 4: Once you’ve filled in all the information on the create an account page, click “Create my account”
STEP 5: You should then see this “Account Creation Confirmation” page…
STEP 5: …and you will receive the following asking you to verify the address for the account you just created. Click on the link to verify your address (circled in red).
Clicking on the link will open a new window and take you to a page like this.
STEP 6: Return to the window with your “Account Creation Confirmation” page, and click the link that says “Click here to continue” (circled in red) to be directed back to the PEP uP Google Group page Or, if this window has disappeared, you can also just return to the PEP uP Google Group page at the following link:
STEP 7: Now that you are signed in, you should see the following page on the PEP uP Google Group. Click on the “Apply for membership” link (circled in red)
STEP 8: You will be directed to a page to join the PEP uP Collaborative Group. Fill out this form and click “Apply to this group” (circled in red). This will automatically send an to Lauren Murch indicating that you wish to join the group.
STEP 9: You will then see a page that looks like this. It still says “you cannot view topics in this forum” because your membership must first be approved by the group moderator. Every effort will be made to do this within 1 business day.
Google does not notify you via when your membership has been approved. However, next time you sign in to your Google account, and click the link to access the PEP uP Google Group, once the group’s moderator has approved your membership, you will see the following page. This is the PEP uP Google Group! You now have permission to view posts and create your own posts.