TURNITIN Step by step……… Instructors
Use your School email. A password was sent by Turnitin via email in February. Reset Password if you need to.
IF LOGIN doesn’t work: Go to ‘CREATE ACCOUNT’ on the LOGIN page Follow instructions to setup an INSTRUCTOR account You will then need to confirm this through your EMAIL You can then LOGIN to TURNITIN
Once logged in… Teachers login as INSTRUCTORS This is the first page where you set up your CLASSES DASHBOARD is where you see your class activity
ADD A CLASS Fill out the details of your class You choose a password to give to students Class end date – END OF THE YEAR/SEMESTER Subject area/Ages – for Turnitin statistics
Class ID created, Password It is easier for students to enrol themselves with the Class ID and password YOU give them REMEMBER: They MUST use their SCHOOL EMAIL
This page shows the CLASSES you have created NOW - Select the class you wish to setup the ASSIGNMENT for
Create Assignment guidelines Add Assignment
Assignment type
There are many choices to make when setting up an ASSIGNMENT Many are to do with marking online, gradebook, rubrics etc. If you just want the PLAGIARISM checked – best to keep it simple POINT VALUE - eg. 100 (if you are marking within Turnitin) POST DATE – if giving feedback within Turnitin – up to this date. If before DUEDATE, you can give feedback as they go. Choose this for plagiarism check, other is if you’re not checking plagiarism. eg. artwork for feedback only Up to you – can change later for a late student This one – most popular (student can submit numerous times prior to due date). First submission immediate, others can be 24 hr turn around. Other choices – only one submission
Assignment continued Turnitin suggest YES Your choice, default is NO Turnitin suggest YES Your choice – depends on task If you choose YES – how many words? Choose this one so papers can be checked in future Turnitin have a bank of rubrics or you can upload your own. Not required if you’re not marking within Turnitin.
Class and Assignment created You can edit your settings at any time View class activity
Once assignments are in You can see your class activity
Class Activity Similarity percentage Click on name to bring up Originality Report
For PLAGIARISM just use ‘Originality’ Percentage – up to teacher. Where the text originated from
Marking/Feedback within Turnitin Bubble comment, textbox comment, commonly used Other options - using rubric, Quickmark etc.
Other Tips Most students (Linda’s Biology class, anyway) liked to submit before due date – need to be organised. Students said it was less than a 24 hour turn-around. If as student has trouble submitting their assignment, the teacher has the option to submit it for them as an Instructor Throughout Turnitin, there are question marks, explaining different functions. Percentage of plagiarism varies. Universities – 8-10 %, CBHS Science Dept. 13 %, Aloysius 15 %. Up to the teacher. Linda Keirs (Term 2) had a rough figure in her head (13 %), but didn’t tell the boys. She did tell them to avoid PLAGIARISM. Students MUST use their school email to sign up to TURNITIN. If they forget their password, it can easily be retrieved. You will need to tell students what their school email address is (many don’t know or use it). Linda did provide her students with an instruction sheet for Turnitin (see next slide).
Yr 10 COMMERCE TASK example
Online webinars are available Sign up and login at the correct time You can ask questions online
TURNITIN Step by step……… Students
Students Create Account Students CREATE AN ACCOUNT using their SCHOOL EMAIL – firstname.surname@cbhslewisham.nsw.edu.au and the Class ID (you have emailed or given them) They can access Turnitin from the INTRANET (WLC page) or Google ‘Turnitin’
Students create account
Student Account Students enter Class ID and Enrolment Password Name School Email They make a Password (letters and number/s) Secret Question Agree – Terms & Conditions Student’s email and password are used to LOGIN to TURNITIN from now on FOR ALL SUBJECTS
Student Account Students enter Class ID and Enrolment Password Name School Email They make a Password (letters and number/s) Secret Question Agree – Terms & Conditions Student’s email and password are used to LOGIN to TURNITIN from now on FOR ALL SUBJECTS