Msunduzi City Development Strategy May 2015
What is a City Development Strategy? Long Term: Usually between 20 and 50 years Strategic: makes a few choices – not comprehensive Provides a vision to guide a city’s IDP Not limited to municipal roles and responsibilities Aims to address poverty, economic growth, governance and environmental sustainability isssues
Why do cities need City Development Strategies? Problems High rates of urbanisation and urban growth Climate change issues Poverty and vulnerability Apartheid’s spatial patterns of growth and sprawled urban growth Disjuncture between the existing labour market and municipal requirements for skills. Funding constraints Problems High rates of urbanisation and urban growth Climate change issues Poverty and vulnerability Apartheid’s spatial patterns of growth and sprawled urban growth Disjuncture between the existing labour market and municipal requirements for skills. Funding constraints IDP’s Don’t deal with longer term challenges Don’t really trigger much bigger picture thinking IDP’s Don’t deal with longer term challenges Don’t really trigger much bigger picture thinking Development of Longer Term Strategic Plans 20 – 50 years focus Likely scenario’s and growth paths Addressing impact of possible changes in environment, energy, ICT, transport etc Development of Longer Term Strategic Plans 20 – 50 years focus Likely scenario’s and growth paths Addressing impact of possible changes in environment, energy, ICT, transport etc
How does a CDS differ from the IDP? …and the SDF? CDS vision & Goals IDP IDP IDP Strategy elements are incorporated into the IDP Status Quo 2015 actions 2020 actions 2025 actions The SDF gives us the spatial framework vision
Msunduzi is the smallest of the top 9 cities. Growth has been below the national average SA Ave Population Size and Growth
General Economic and Financial Issues Msunduzi is a key player in the uMgungundlovu district – contributing 75% of the district’s GDP Income is not being retained locally – more is being imported into the district than goes out Being a capital city status is a vital part of the city’s economic stability Productive sectors of the economy are declining.
Low business confidence Less municipal income in the form of rates/ tariffs Businesses don’t expand and new ones don’t open Decreased employment So raising business confidence is a key element in building the city Declining business confidence – currently only at 50% how do we get back up here?
The economy: sectors The benefit of being a capital city Government services = stable Finance, business = increasing Manufacturing = decreasing
Community Service Issues Higher education levels are good (although they have fallen) Youth unemployment has declined and is below the national average Msunduzi has an indigent policy to ensure the poor have access to basic services
Over half of the city’s wage bill is generated through government employment – the city and the province
Economic Development Services Lot of spatial and sector plans have been developed. BUT these now need to be synthesized, integrated and acted upon.
Establishment of a high level senior leadership and capacity task team To assist and support MM’s office, identify and deal with delivery failures Strong and supportive leadership who engage with community and guide staff Support for professional and technical staff including staff retention, capacity building and mentorship Effective operations around a clear vision and short term goals All staff know, buy-in and support the vision Simple, clear and transparent operating procedures Which are communicated both internally and externally Competent, focussed and committed senior managers who monitor and manage the performance of staff Ensure all leadership, management and staff are skilled, able and progressive in their approach and actively contribute towards reaching the municipality’s goals. Strategy 1: Building a capable and developmental municipality Ensure all senior management are skilled, able and progressive in their approach and actively contribute towards reaching the municipality’s goals.
Implementing an 80:20 rule to focus cleaning and beautifying on the areas most used within the city A united front and sustained focus on ENFORCEMENT Focussing on the important issues, with well established processes Effective monitoring and managing of staff EVERY staff member must know what they should do and be held accountable if they don’t do it Maintaining and securing public facilities and open space Identify, assess their current state and develop a POA to maintain them Address under-serviced areas of the city And develop a budgeted action plan to address this (see strat 3 too) Dedicated focus on inner city problems Including by-law transgressions, crime, grime and derelict buildings Improving stakeholder interactions and communications Follow up, respond, be contactable, monitor communications Revive and empower ABM’s In complex areas with multi-stakeholder issues Ensure all leadership, management and staff are skilled, able and progressive in their approach and actively contribute towards reaching the municipality’s goals. Strategy 1: Building a capable and developmental municipality Strategy 2: Back to Basics: Cleaning, Repairing, Enforcing and Responding Dysfunctional or problematic areas of service delivery are rapidly addressed
12345 Ensure all leadership, management and staff are skilled, able and progressive in their approach and actively contribute towards reaching the municipality’s goals. Strategy 1: Building a capable and developmental municipality Strategy 3: Improved Infrastructural Efficiency Planning, budgeting, implementing and maintaining State of the City Infrastructure Report Review current situation and coordinated plans for future requirements Comprehensive Municipal Infrastructure Plan Aligned to IDP, SDF and CDS strategies Asset Management System Aligned to IDP, SDF and CDS strategies Infrastructure Funding Plan Budget for both new capital projects and maintenance of current Review of procurement system To ensure a more rapid, efficient procurement process
12345 Ensure all leadership, management and staff are skilled, able and progressive in their approach and actively contribute towards reaching the municipality’s goals. Strategy 1: Building a capable and developmental municipality Strategy 4: Financial Sustainability Implementing the CDS and SDF will require the city to be in a far stronger financial position Urgently address billing and collecting issues Increase collections, address capacity issues and ensure debtors book is robust and reliable Illegal Connections Greater vigilance, reporting system and tougher stance needed Metering Aim to ensure that all services are metered and meters fully functional Disconnections Actively and rapidly implemented Rental stock Improved management
Ensure all leadership, management and staff are skilled, able and progressive in their approach and actively contribute towards reaching the municipality’s goals. Strategy 1: Building a capable and developmental municipality Strategy 5: Growing the regional Economy Retain and grow local businesses Responding to and engaging local businesses Through both an institutional response and attitudinal shift Align planning and other controls to Msunduzi’s broader strategy Review planning scheme to assess its alignment to the IDP, CDS and SDF Rapid and Targeted Programme to ensure availability of land Release of targeted Municipal land or granting permissions for other land to align to SDF priorities Timeous infrastructure repairs, maintenance and delivery To cater for existing businesses and new growth Review of rates and tariffs To assess how Msunduzi competes with other municipalities By-laws Review of old by-laws. Sustained enforcement of appropriate by-laws
Ensure all leadership, management and staff are skilled, able and progressive in their approach and actively contribute towards reaching the municipality’s goals. Strategy 1: Building a capable and developmental municipality Strategy 5: Growing the regional Economy… continued Retain and grow local businesses A liveable city with a good quality of life for ALL citizens Cultural, sporting, recreational facilities, and high quality public spaces Procurement Ensure procurement system is efficient and effective in building local business Densification strategy for well located land To lower transport costs for residents as well as the cost of infrastructure provision Municipality-Province-Business-NGO Forum To grow the economy and ensure municipal and provincial strategies and actions are aligned to local needs Establishment of Young Professionals Forum to connect and grow young professionals with a passion for economic development and entrepreneurialism Cultivate broader business relationships Beyond the municipal boundaries to attract new growth Media and Communications Communicate success in order to build support
Ensure all leadership, management and staff are skilled, able and progressive in their approach and actively contribute towards reaching the municipality’s goals. Strategy 1: Building a capable and developmental municipality Strategy 6: Serving as a Provincial Capital Playing a greater role in accommodating Provincial Government and ensuring the municipality derives greater benefit Msunduzi-Province Task team With high level representation from both Msunduzi and Province Focussed alignment of plans between Msunduzi and Province Including the plans of Transnet, Eskom etc New Government Precinct to be located in the CBD This is a vital opportunity to revitalise and address problems within the CBD Use government occupation to leverage change in the inner city Through eg: better use of security personnel, more active street interfaces Involve the private sector to augment investment in the CBD Through for example off balance sheet funding Address the needs of Provincial Government employees living in Msunduzi Focussing on improving the quality of life and liveability of the city
Ensure all leadership, management and staff are skilled, able and progressive in their approach and actively contribute towards reaching the municipality’s goals. Strategy 1: Building a capable and developmental municipality Strategy 7: Create a Learning City and a City of Learning The range of educational institutions within and around the city is a unique opportunity for Msunduzi Revitalise MIDI Municipal representation by enthusiastic senior staff members who will follow up and implement Support and leverage investments in Imbali Education Precinct As an innovate opportunity to link educational and community facilities Centre for leadership development Investigate linkages with one of the educational institutions to provide skills for local government, provincial government and the private sector Improving Msunduzi’s positioning as a University Town Through integrating educational institutions into the fabric of the city, providing improved amenities, facilities, transport, accommodation and recreation for students Increased linkages with elite learning institutions In and around Msunduzi Synergy between economic development and educational programmes Ensuring that skills are developed to meet business and industry’s needs
12345 Ensure all leadership, management and staff are skilled, able and progressive in their approach and actively contribute towards reaching the municipality’s goals. Strategy 1: Building a capable and developmental municipality Strategy 8: Spatial effectiveness and Justice Increasing densities and improving mobility to address Msunduzi’s spatial inequalities Anticipate and plan for growth Through increased housing delivery, infrastructure provision, release of strategic land and densification Manage sprawl Through declaring and enforcing the urban edge, focussing investment on strategic corridors and improving the environment in and around the CBD Improved safe and accessible public transport Along corridors through the city as defined in the SDF Better management of public space Including the river environment, addressing uncontrolled and unmanaged street vending and improved management of parks Improved access to social facilities Such as health facilities, libraries and other amenities, with a particular focus on under-serviced areas
N3 Public transport corridor = densification River and green corridor Node Educational facility CBD = Densification Road Inner City Densification Densification and development along public transport corridors Airport Development around decentralised nodes Integrating educational facilities into the fabric of the city
Thank you!