BeechTek – Computer/Server/Wireless/Datacenter Hosted Business Management Software Solutions Web Hosting + Domain Search and Registration Printer Repair Mon – Fri: 9-5 We service Chicagoland
Our Services and products are far from your standard computer repair IT company. We have a complete custom solution to lower costs and give you an edge against your competition. Printer repair Hosted Software IT Services Software development Web Development Disaster Recovery Medical Solutions Data Recovery Financial Solutions Business Cost Reduction Business Management Solutions
IT Services IT Support Computers and Servers Maintenance and Data security Data Recovery Backup and Data Storage Remote Support Network / Wireless Disaster Recovery and total redundancy LAN / SAN / SAN Disaster Recovery – Crash Proof Servers Printer Repair Software Web Custom Business management and Productivity Staff / Task and Project Tracking Paperless Office as required by the government Database and other custom software development Medical Management Medical Billing Other Services Phone Internet Provider Cable and Phone Systems Financing
Brands We service all brands, makes and models! We also can offer support for “intelligent phones” like Blackberry, I- phone and we can also help with game systems.
Costs Our new “Anti-Contract” contract (Billed monthly) Our standard discount fee is as follows: Per Month IT Printer Savings for -IT/ Printer Less than 2 hrs$120hr $85hr$0 / $0 2 hrs$100hr $85hr$40 / $0 4 hrs$90hr $85hr$120/$0 8 hrs$85hr $80hr$280/$40 16 hrs$80hr $80hr$640/$80 32 hrs$75hr $75hr$1140/$ hrs$70hr $70hr$3200/$ hrs$65hr $65hr$5280/$ hrs$60hr $60hr$7680/$3200 All computer and office equipment service hours will be combined to determine discount rate. There is no minimum commitment. If no services are used, there is no charge. While we offer discounted blocks of time discounts we also offer our “Anti – Contract”
Affiliations BBB (With A+ Rating) Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce Certifications from Microsoft, NEC, HP and many other certifications Many Printer Certifications (too many to list here)
Hosted Solutions Need a solution to manage your business and clients? Our Hosted Microsoft CRM is an affordable and fantastic answerHosted Microsoft CRM Need for your business – Check out our hosted MS exchangehosted MS exchange Need to collaborate and share documents with your staff? Check our Hosted SharePoint Hosted SharePoint Why? Servers, IT support, Software costs, licenses, materials...Our services can cost you pennies on the dollar compared to the cost of buying the software and equipment that you would need to run your business. You see, our concept is to get you running as if you were a big organization with the budget of a very small company – makes sense right? We also can offer cool services like Blackberry / Smartphone sync (so you can get your s, documents etc.) and many other services – most are included with a very low per month fee. Let’s just say you will be pleasantly surprised! Go to for more
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