Customer Portal – Customer User
You will receive an indicating that your Customer Portal registration is complete. A link to the Customer Portal, your User Name and Temporary Password will be included. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Log in with your User Name and Password. User Name will be your address. Click to answer your security questions and reset your password. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
When you log in with your temporary password, you’ll be prompted to setup a new password. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
When you log in with your temporary password, you’ll be prompted to set up 3 security questions. These will be used to verify your identity if you forget your password. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
The selected account, customer or program will be displayed here. This will default to All. Click to Select a Specific program. This dashboard is the home screen. The data displayed corresponds to the program(s) selected. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click on All to see all accounts you have access to. Click + to expand the list and select a specific account, customer # or program. Use the search fields to narrow the list. (Click on the + to expand the list after searching.) 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
A history of files uploaded to RGIS on the Customer Portal is displayed here. A history of files downloaded from the Customer Portal is displayed here. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
A summary of upcoming scheduled events is displayed here. A summary of completed events is displayed here. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Many screens in the Customer Portal use the grid format below. The data on the screen is based on the selected Account, Customer or Program. Click on the column headers to sort. Click again to toggle from Ascending to Descending order. Click save to export the data as an Excel, CSV or Word file. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Enter site id or a date range and click Search to find specific data. Enter a value in the box and then click the icon and select a condition to filter the data. Click on the page number to go directly to a specific page. Click the arrows to move through the pages or skip to the beginning or end. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click on Home to return to the Dashboard. Breadcrumbs keep track of where you are. Click to logout. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click to access Customer Portal Help. Click to see a list of features coming soon. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click here to maintain your user profile. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click here to change your password. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Enter your old (current) password and then your new password.
Click here to change your security questions.
Use the drop down list to select a different question. You are required to set up three security questions. In the event you forget your password, these will be used to verify your identity. Enter the answers to the questions here.
Click here to change your language setting. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Select the language you would like to use for the Customer Portal. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click here to manage your customer user accounts. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click to select another account, customer or program Click to create customer user accounts. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Create a user account for each customer. Edit a existing user profile. Check the box to deactivate the account. The user will no longer be able to log in. This box will be checked if the user has locked their account by attempting to log in with an incorrect password too many times. Uncheck the box to unlock the account. A new temporary password will be ed to the user. Click to add a new user 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Enter the user’s address and name. Select the User Type. A Customer Superuser will be able to set up additional Customer users, and see their data file transfer history. Select the areas of the Customer Portal that the user should have access to. **Only allow access to Visual Count if the customer’s program uses Visual Count. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Enter the account name or number and click search. Matching accounts will be displayed below. Select the program(s) that the user should have access to. Selections can be made at the Account, Customer or Program Level. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Selections will appear here. The user will have access to these Accounts, Customers or Programs. Click to save changes or new user profile. The new user will receive an with their User Name, Password and a link to the Customer Portal. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click to manage notifications. You must select a specific Program to use this screen. The settings are applied at Program level. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Check and uncheck to quickly change which areas of the site users have access to. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Check this box if the user should receive an when an updated customer validation file is requested. Check this box if the user should receive when a customer validation file is installed. Click to add addresses for notification, without creating a user account. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
addresses added here can receive notifications for requested and installed customer validation files. They will not have a User Name or Password to access the Customer Portal. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click here to view the schedule for the selected Account, Customer(s) or Program(s). 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
All events that have not been balanced at FSC will be listed here. Scroll to see additional fields. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
A green check indicates that that validation file currently installed is current for this event. A red X indicates that the validation file currently installed is outdated for this event. Click to see more information about the Customer Validation file. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
This number used to determine how many days after install the file is current. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click to see events that have been completed. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
All events that have been completed are displayed here. Click to see a history of files uploaded to RGIS on the Customer Portal. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
View a history of all files you have uploaded. Click to see a history of files downloaded from RGIS on the Customer Portal. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
View a history of all files you have downloaded, or that were downloaded. Click to download files. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
All Programs for the selected Account or Customer will be displayed. Click to select. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Browse to select the file and click upload. Click to see a sample of the last file installed. Click to download files. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
All available website directories for this program will be listed. Click the icon to see the files available. The corresponding website User Name from the old site is listed here. All Programs for the selected Account or Customer will be displayed. Click to select. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
Click on the file name to download the file. The date and time that the file was last downloaded is listed here. The date and time that the file was posted to the site is listed here. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
If you do not have access to Visual Count, it will be grayed out. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
If you have access link will take you to the Visual Count log in page. You will need to log in with your Visual Count User Name and Password. 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential
END 10/11/2011RGIS Confidential