Total: 2861 Total: 2861 Tamil Nadu 1275 Andhra Pradesh 759 Karnataka 529 Kerala 333
TOTAL Numbers of members as on CategoryAndhra Pradesh Karnatak a KeralaTamilnaduTotal Status Holders MPG Service Providers Ordinary Members Total756 26% % % % 2861
SH: 14 MPG 229 SP: SH-13 MPG- 365 SP SH 33 MPG-300 SP Up to Oct 600 Projection- FY
(up to sept) 33
Particulars No of Status Holders as per data collected No.of Non members JOINED DURING THIS FY STATUS HOLDERS MEM AS ON DT. % TAMILNADU % KERALA % KARNATAKA % AP % Total %
Around 20% of the Status holders are sister concerns of group companies who are already our member. Half financial year has already passed and many exporters promised that they will take membership in the beginning of April next year, as we do not have the policy of taking half yearly membership fee. Some members already in MPG category and not willing to shift to Status holder category.(67 Nos) Status holders who are in to single product group are the most difficult lot to convince. Success rate is very low; For Eg. Exporters in Tirupur, Handloom Exporters in Karur, Engineering exporters in Chennai, Agro/spices/Marine exporters in Kerala, etc
Manufacturer Exporter dealing with Single Export Product– Registered with Concerned EP council The services provided by FIEO is similar to the services provided by the other EPCs. Required additional services/exclusive services for FIEO members. Due to limited staff strength, attention needed to give to all areas of our operation and hence many time focus is diluted.
Tamil Nadu Active 289: NP 21% Karnataka Active 94 : NP 17% Kerala Active 70: NP 21% AP Active 230: NP 30% Total :NP 23%
SR : Kerala- 275 Tamil Nadu Kerala Tamil Nadu Kerala Tamil Nadu- 1500
Regular interaction with all State Governments in Southern Region: Submitted Draft EP Policy for the State Govt. All SR states are expected to come up with policy during this FY. Close Rapport with Media in SR for FIEO coverage Conducted study on Chennai Port Issue Problems Regular interaction with Industrial Clusters and taken up various issues and resolved. Planned to conduct programmes in all district centers in all SR states in association with local Chambers/Trade Associations
Multi Products International Exhibition at Chennai in association with Chennai Trade Centre and World Trade Centre focusing domestic demand /exporters needs for imports into India One year Diploma Programme on International Trade at Kochi jointly with SB Global Institute, Kochi FIEO Business and professional Language Training Centre at Chennai Create Indian Importers Data/Directory Yearly contacts with Banks and financial institutions for event sponsorship FIEO HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Short Term Skill Development Certificate Courses as per industry needs
Subscription wise TargetSubs. Recd% of collection Rs ,000,00011,357,000103% ,300,00011,432,500101% ,000,00012,236,500102% ,200,00013,350,300101% ,000,00013,996,774100% [Oct] 15,400,00014,015,50091%
YEARAndhra PradeshKarnatakaKeralaTamilnadu% Achieved No of members -31 st March of Previous year Renewal% of renewal No of members -31 st March of Previous year Renewal% of renewal No of member s-31 st March of Previous year Renewal% of renewal No of members -31 st March of Previous year Renewal% of renewal % % % % 86% % % % % 84% % % % % 82%
FIN. YEARREVENUEEXPENDITURE BudgetActualsAchievedBudgetActualsIncurred ```` [excl.salary,PF ex gratia] ,311,00013,327, %8,128,0009,033, % ,802,57713,855, %9,691,0579,643, % ,500,00016,158, %2,444,2002,301, % ,327,00014,321,407100%2,323,9802,256, % ,730,00013,916, %3,151,0001,223, %
YEARPreferentialNon Preferential TOTALIncome earned , , , , [Oct] ,550
Each Region may have a media partner, Like Hindu & Business Line in TN and necessary budget may be allotted. An official in FIEO may be nominated exclusively for developing link with Indian Mission abroad FIEO may be allowed to involve in domestic trade fairs where we can attract exporters from across the world who are looking for this kind of opportunities as information on Emerging Indian market is not available. We may come up with FIEO INDIA TRADE DIRECTORY containing data on Exporters as well as Importers To encourage big houses to take FIEO membership we may come up with a special category of membership for corporate houses with Rs.10,000/- only as annual membership
Tie-up with a PR agency to have weekly programme on international trade related subjects in a reputed TV Channel like NDTV-Hindu, etc. This can also generate revenue. Trade Tie-up Promotion Program through FIEO Web to assist in the search of international business partners through the Internet. A wide range of business opportunities and demand for export/import of products/parts, technology transfer, investment, business tie-ups, establishment of offices/factories and business support may be offered through our website. FIEO Web may cover all important Trade Shows across India. Business Library section may be created at our Web covering Economy, industries, laws & regulations, market reports Reference Books - Hand books, guidebooks, yearbooks, dictionaries Directories,Tariff Schedules, etc on India as well as from across the globe exclusively for FEO members for giving value. Monthly Webinar may be conducted on major subjects and issues
ActivityNCs Pointed OutAction Taken Membership & RCMC Application Independent names of file not mentioned Action taken List of files not available in Almirah List pasted Coordinators and above to sign RCMC not available in the file Copy kept in the file Congratulatory letter not issued Being sent by and copy not kept in the file. Hard copy will be kept in the file Review resignation cases- not informed to DG & CEO As per Work Instructions, the Regional Head should speak to the concerned exporter and convince him to continue before sending the feed back form. The same is being followed and noting has been made in the file. Audit: Non-conformity and corrective action
ActivityNCs Pointed OutAction Taken Process for Maintenance of Office Equipment Master List of File not maintained Master List of updated Logs of Service Providers not maintained Log Register prepared Handling MDA Applications & Claims Application register in the list of files is not available File is being maintained and available with the Department Purchase Procedure Updated Vendors list not available All vendors have been registered as per procedure Supplier Evaluation not done One time purchase evaluation done Certificate of Origin FTP/HBP not controlledNecessary stamping made Indemnity bond not serially filed Necessary filing done Participation in Trade Fairs/Exhibitions/BSMs Master List not updatedMaster List updated Overseas Activities file not updated Completed updation Conduct awareness session on Work Instruction to the Officers and Staff Awareness Session conducted on
ActivityNCs Pointed OutAction Taken Making of Press Releases Master List not updatedList updated Thanks letter not issued to mediaLetter issued Master Press Release Register not available Prepared Master Press Release Register Conducting Press Conferences Master File not updatedUpdated Master File Thanks letter not issued to the media Noted and will be implemented Handling Queries/Problems/Suggestions Received from exporters Subject-wise files not maintainedFile updated and separate files have been opened Master List not updatedMaster List updated FTP not markedDocument Control Process implemented Follow up pending cases not carry forward List updated Revised List with all issues to be sent to DG & CEO Updated and sent Identify old cases where there is no update available Telephonically checked with exporters and confirm that all pending cases are cleared
ActivityNCs Pointed OutAction Taken Issue of Visa Recommendation Letter Master List not updatedMaster List updated Mention location of storageUpdated Note forwarded by SR to HO informing the List of Signatories. But HO not sent the Authorization back Taken up with HO Member Status not mentioned in the document Marking done Organising Open House/Meetings/Seminars Speakers/Topic not mentioned in the Approval Note to the Chairman Work Instruction reissued for using the specific format Officials may be taken through Work Instruction Training on Work Instruction given on Feedback Forms not updatedUpdated feedback forms All Feedback forms to be analysed for all events Completed Analysis of Feedback Forms of all events. Signing of MOUsList of MOUs signed by FIEO not available in records Reminder send to HO
Target Group/ActivityObjectiveAchievement TargetFrequency of measurement Target Achieved All Dept at HO & RO To adhere to turn round time95%Half Yearly [Oct 2010 to Sept 2011] 95% Membership growth To increase membership strength –New Members 10%Half Yearly Oct 2010 – 294 Oct % FIEO AwardTo collect more number of award application from members 10% over previous year Yearly Respective ROs Organising events at ROs To obtain feedback from Participants Positive Feedback out of the total number of feedback 90% - [ Events Abroad] 70% [Domestic events] 75% in both cases Half Yearly [Oct 10 to Sept 2011] 100% 45% 100% Respective HoDs organising events at HO/ROs a.To increase the number of events b.Additionally there should be an increase in the events at new places/less visited places 10% increase in both the cases Half Yearly 89% 150% Regional HeadsHost the company information and the products/service/photographs of members on the FIEO website 25% of the total member ship strength Yearly10% Chapter Heads45% of the total member ship strength YearlyKarnataka – 5% AP %
Director ADCoordinator FOA JD
Thank you!
YearAndra PradeshKarnatakaKeralaTamilnaduTotal [SOct