The Indian Government’s Role in Promotion of Green Agriculture in India Emerging Asia This links with WJEC A2 Geography Theme India. 1.2 How and why is the economy changing ? Changes in traditional agriculture
As part of the 10 th Five year Plan, the Government of India has aimed to promote organic agriculture in the country. The main components of this initiative include farming of standards, negotiating with different countries and putting in place a system of certification for organic products. Increasing Investments:
Bio-fertilisers Central Government is also promoting the production and use of bio-fertilizer to make it popular. The Government has initiated a project “National Project on Development and Use of Bio fertilizers” for this purpose.
APEDA Some of the efforts towards promotion of organic exports include attempts to collaborate with all the major organic importing countries. APEDA is the nodal agency to promote the Indian organic agriculture and its exports opportunities.
The Greening of Indian Agriculture: Towards this APEDA is deliberating with European Union for inclusion of India in the list of Third World countries Some of the drivers that facilitate growth of organic agriculture in India are Growing export market for organically produced crops Price premium for organically produced agriculture products from10% to 100%
Factors driving organic farming Diverse agro-climate regions across the country that provides environment for wide range of crops that can cater to different market demands. Increasing awareness & health consciousness especially among certain sectors of domestic consumers. Availability of comparatively cheap labour for labour- intensive organic agriculture Huge numbers of small farmers, those who do the traditional farming have very limited capacity to pay for most of the chemical inputs into agriculture Presence of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) as active promoters of organic farming in different agro-climatic regions
Factors driving organic farming Increasing involvement of private companies in field of agricultural extension, trade, consultation and other services Enhanced government attention and support for organic agriculture through various policy initiations and action programs.
Constraining factors Producers’/Distributors’/Traders’ point of view: Lack of proper infrastructure for distribution and conservation of bio-inputs is a major constraint that hinders the access of these inputs to farmers. Some climatic regions and soil conditions are not suitable for specific strains of organic production.
Given the mandated period of around three years for a conventional farm to become an organic farm, the benefits perceived by farmers tend to be limited as they have a short term orientation. As a result even if they are aware, they are hesitant to switch over to organic (green) agricultural practices. Constraining factors Farmers’ point of view:
The government perspective Changing the cropping and cultivation patterns is slow and time-consuming process. Given the high levels of illiteracy and large number of small and marginal farmers it makes the change process difficult. Subsidies on chemical fertilizers and pesticide impede the growth of organic agriculture.
Discussion points What arguments are there in favour of organic agriculture in India? What vested interests would oppose the growth of organic agricultures and why? What strategies could be employed to further promote the greening of agriculture in India?