E-portfolios for the FYE students By Caroline Mitry & Mohammad Saleh, Instructional Technologists, Center for Learning & Teaching, AUC Step by step guide on how to: Create account on Epsilen.com Add personal information Add pictures Add other resources
Go to and click “create your account” Creating Epsilen accounts
Follow the Registration steps : Enter you AUC mail You must “Activate” your profile by following a link sent to your (Check your inbox or spam/junk folder.
Enter your personal info Choose your role as a “Student”
Fill in the necessary fields to complete your registration. Determine who can see this information when viewing your ePortfolio Web site. These settings can be changed later using the "My ePortfolio" tool. Fill in the necessary fields to complete your registration. Determine who can see this information when viewing your ePortfolio Web site. These settings can be changed later using the "My ePortfolio" tool.
My Portal A quick look on “My Portal”
My Bio Adding a welcome note
My Bio Write text here about yourself, your background…etc, you may also add pictures and links Enter a Title for your note Adding a welcome note Select Viewable by “Epsilen”
Uploading your picture Uploading pictures
Select Viewable by “Epsilen”
The Resume You could use the built-in wizard OR upload your own file Uploading your resume (CV)
You must write a short description You will automatically be taken to the previous page where you would find the file name that you selected Select Viewable by “Epsilen” then save
Managing files/folders 1 2
Creating a new folder
Uploading a file
Uploading a Word file
Uploading various file types.ppt and other Office documents.flv and aother video files.mp3 and other audio files