Solar Energy
How it Works What is solar energy, you ask? Simply, it is energy provided from the sun. Our big friendly giant up there. Solar power is everywhere. Concentrating Solar Power Concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies use mirrors to reflect and concentrate sunlight onto receivers that collect the solar energy and convert it to heat. This thermal energy can then be used to produce electricity a steam turbine or heat engine driving a generator
How it Works The solar power from the sun hits the solar panels which make thermal heat that goes to the battery charger which goes to the battery which goes to the DC LOADS
A specific place or technology A section of the parabolic troughs from the Nevada Solar One project near Boulder City, Nevada. The site covers about 300 acres and contains 760 mirror arrays.
A specific place or technology arch.html arch.html arch.html Aerial view of part of the National Solar Thermal Test Facility at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Advantages of using your alternative jects/Geography_JC/Pros_Cons1/ Solar power Is the Sun if we don’t have the sun than we freeze so it makes since that for something we are so dependent on we should use it as a resource it would be easy but it would take money to build the solar panels that are used to soak up the sun’s energy. And as you know money is hard to get but,it should get easier. It is also a renewable resource but unless the sun burns out we should be in good shape. And there is no air or water pollution. jects/Geography_JC/Pros_Cons1/ jects/Geography_JC/Pros_Cons1/
Disadvantages of using your alternative ls/Subjects/Geography_JC/Pros_Cons1/ Depends on sunlight all the time and we don’t have sun all day. ls/Subjects/Geography_JC/Pros_Cons1/ ls/Subjects/Geography_JC/Pros_Cons1/ Not really cost effective at present. Storage and back-up are necessary.
Advertisement about your alternative Look how easy it is the sun, solar panels, and then energy it is the resource of the FUTURE! It shouldn’t be that hard and when we get our economy turned around we should use it as a main resource the only thing not efficient is it doesn’t work at night. BUT, if we can store the energy and save it for night it should be, THE WAY OF THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = = = =
Sources /Pros_Cons1/ /Pros_Cons1/ /Pros_Cons1/ start=100&sa=N&ndsp=20 start=100&sa=N&ndsp=20 start=100&sa=N&ndsp=20