1 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting S OCIAL M EDIA AND D ISASTER R ESPONSE May 24, 2011 Pam Hill Managing Director Hyperion Global Partners Tracie Gliozzi Communications Director Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC Holly Maust Head Geek Interactive Swim
2 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting A GENDA Evolution of Crisis Communications Tools Tools to Match each Stage of a Crisis Social Media When/Why/How to Use them During a Crisis Lessons from the Front
3 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting E VOLUTION OF C RISIS C OMMUNICATION TOOLS Calling Trees Limited success in practice Inefficient use of time Emergency Notification Systems Automated calling tree Multiple device escalation Externally hosted Check status, audit responses Social Media Immediately available Not dependent upon availability of internal systems Ability to push/pull information
4 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting T OOLS SHOULD MATCH THE STAGE OF THE CRISIS Rapid communication to respond to event Public alert systems (sponsored by local authorities) Emergency notification systems Blast voic
5 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting T OOLS SHOULD MATCH THE STAGE OF THE CRISIS Post private status updates and information 800 Hotline Emergency website (intranet, extranet, external website with private page) Social Media with privacy capability Facebook/Yammer/LinkedIn
6 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting T OOLS SHOULD MATCH THE STAGE OF THE CRISIS Post public status updates and information External website Media to clients Social Media Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn
7 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting S TANDARD U SAGE FOR S OCIAL M EDIA Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogs It’s important to establish a social media policy prior to engaging in the space
8 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting F ACEBOOK E XAMPLE
9 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting T WITTER E XAMPLE
10 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting L INKED I N E XAMPLE
11 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting B LOG E XAMPLE
12 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting B LOG E XAMPLE
13 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting S OCIAL M EDIA O BJECTIVES D URING A C RISIS Provide information Private and public consumption Link people together Obtain real-time information as the crisis is evolving
14 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting P ROVIDE P RIVATE I NFORMATION AND L INK P EOPLE T OGETHER What/WhyHow Share Private InformationFacebook Create private groups for security Admin invites users to join through use of private address associated to FB account Do not need to “friend” the user Cannot see their FB wall Shows up in their own personal news feed Users can privately “chat” Users can add links, videos, photos and files Link People Together
15 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting F ACEBOOK C REATE G ROUP
16 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting P ROVIDE P RIVATE I NFORMATION AND L INK P EOPLE T OGETHER What/WhyHow Share Private InformationLinkedIn Create private groups for security Admin invites users to join through use of company address associated to LI account Users can privately “update” and have a discussion Link People Together
17 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting L INKED I N G ROUP
18 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting L INKED I N G ROUP
19 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting P ROVIDE P RIVATE I NFORMATION AND L INK P EOPLE T OGETHER What/WhyHow Share Private InformationYammer Microblog geared towards businesses Admin invites users to join through use of company address Provide private conversations between users Create small teams within your network Share files, links and images Each conversation is archived and searchable Link People Together
20 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting Y AMMER
21 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting M OVING FROM P RIVATE TO P UBLIC During a crisis that makes the news media, or where your lawyers or staff may be talking about it, stay ahead of what is being said by considering the right time and circumstances to “go public”
22 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting P ROVIDE P UBLIC I NFORMATION What/WhyHow Share Public InformationExternal Website Enables Firm to control message Natural place for clients to go for information Facebook Firm’s Facebook page Twitter Firm’s Twitter page Create hashtags to enable you to take control of the topic Listen to the conversation so that you can engage effectively LinkedIn Firm’s LinkedIn page
23 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting O BTAIN R EAL - TIME I NFORMATION What/WhyHow Information GatheringTwitter Search.twitter.com Zip code level search for damage or other issues that may affect your plan News Twitter Feed and iReports Provides real time updates from people in the middle of it Not always vetted for content accuracy Social Mention Provide Links to Resources for Employees and Businesses
24 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting A DVANCED T WITTER SEARCH
25 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting S OCIAL MENTION
26 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting O BTAIN R EAL - TIME I NFORMATION What/WhyHow Information GatheringFacebook Great for providing unique perspectives on the situation Can only see what people want you to see Google/Bing searches Twitter Photos picfog.com TargetMap.com Information supports decision making Provide Links to Resources for Employees and Businesses
27 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting M AP OF R ADIATION P OST E ARTHQUAKE
28 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting L ESSONS FROM THE F RONT Be Comprehensive Communications tools should evolve as the crisis and response do Be Proactive You should manage the message, not vice versa Be in the moment, but always consider how the situation may evolve and how you will keep up Keep your Crisis Communications Plans Frosty If the cool kids are using social media to stay connected and informed during a crisis, make it part of your plan
29 | Global Partners in Business & Technology Consulting T HANKS FOR A TTENDING Questions? Pam Hill Managing Director Hyperion Global Partners Tracie Gliozzi Communications Director Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC Holly Maust Head Geek InteractiveSwim