Open up the web and go To google, then type in gmail Look for create a gmail Account.
Create a name Professional name good one your first.lastname.year of graduation or OR
AFTER YOU HAVE CREATED A PROFESSIONAL FOR SCHOOL SEND MR. Scott an with a short note in the subject line: Subject line should contain the class you are currently enrolled in, such as 4 th period Drafting and your name
Name that Load Loads create a force on a structure. Dead load The weight of the permanent, nonmoveable parts of a structure, such as the towers, cables, and roadway of a bridge. Live load The weight of a structure's nonpermanent, moveable parts, contents, or "users," such as the traffic, people, and seagulls on a bridge. Environmental loads, such as wind, rain, and earthquakes, that can affect a structure temporarily are also live loads.
List the loads in the room. 1. With your table mates, look around the room and make a list of as many different loads affecting the room as they can find. i.e. Table (1) how many tables?
Listing the loads from the class List everyone's loads on the board. The group should decide whether each load is live or dead. (Dead loads include the weight of the walls, ceiling, floor, and any permanent fixtures such as ceiling lights, wallpaper, paint, and windows. Live loads include things that are not fixed, such as furniture, people, signs and pictures hanging on the wall, plants, and wind blowing outside.)
Each group will now estimate the room's load, assuming the floor and walls weigh 50 lbs./sq.ft. (26’ by 56’) and the ceiling weighs 30 lbs./sq. ft. Estimates of weight of furniture on next slide.
What did you come up with for dead load ? Live load? Tables Drafting Estimate at 60 pounds each CPU and monitors estimated at 35 pounds Book shelf estimated at 45 pounds CNC machine 350 pounds File cabinets 400 pounds Printers 120 pounds Cabinets 400 pounds Teacher desk 200 pounds Stereo 100 pounds Chairs 50 pounds Books total of 500 pounds Misc boxes 300 pounds.
What did you find? Dead load of the room? Live load of the room? Total load?