Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic presentation for purpose of Festival of Export th June
Who we are… At the national level: A strong business organisation A well-functioning employers’ organisation A recognized social partner (employers - trade unions, government - trialogue, and so called social dialogue) At the international and European levels a member of: BUSINESSEUROPE – Confederation of European Business BIAC – Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD
Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic 1550 Member-organizations representing industry, transport and other services 29 Branch and professional associations 121 Direct members Represents a predominant part of the Czech Industry Non-governmental Voluntary Federation of Employers and Entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic
Our mission briefly To participate in shaping of the Czech Government’s economic and social policy in order to create optimum conditions for business development in the country and to assert the common interests of our members. We are influencing also Export policy of the government, the list of export priority countries etc. Too represent Czech employers and enterprises in the international organizations business networking, export / trade supporting activities Trade missions, seminars and conferences, trade fairs and catalogue exhibitions, lobbying etc.
Festival Exportu organization of Consultations between firms and economic diplomats and heads of foreign offices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade / CzechTrade round table with a delegation of Chinese companies focused on railway industry investment and business opportunities in Arkansas (US) with Governor of the state 2. half of August – business forum – visit of the President of Turkeminstan (in cooperation with Chamber for Relations with CIS Countries) France - business delegation accompanying President Milos Zeman India - Business Mission to East India States (Delhi, Rajpur, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar) – accompanying program within International Machinery Tradefair 2014 in Brno Více na: Upcoming Events
Pavel Fára Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic The Voice of Business in the Czech Republic