Launch of 2014 FFM Assister Training September 18, 2014 APCA Training
FFM Assister Training, Certification, and Recertification Process for CMS Enrollment Assister Bulletin: Guidance Regarding Training, Certification, and Recertification for Navigator Grantees, Certified Application Counselors, and Non-Navigator Assistance Personnel in the Federally-facilitated Marketplaces: – Initiatives/Health-Insurance- Marketplaces/Downloads/FINAL-Recertification- Bulletin pdf Initiatives/Health-Insurance- Marketplaces/Downloads/FINAL-Recertification- Bulletin pdf 2
Becoming a CAC Organization Application on Certified Application Counselor – Certified through an organization – CAC designated organizations recertify existing CACs within one year of the date the organization issued the CAC’s current certification. – Organizations ensure successfully complete the 2015 CAC training before renewing their CAC certificates. 3
Recertification Use CAC ID number that has since been updated or changed by CAC organization Take the 2015 CAC training using his or her new CAC ID number, not the old ID number. The CAC ID number is the username entered on the MLN training registration page and will be reflected on the applicable training certificate that is generated upon successful completion of the training. Even if their individual CACs are not yet due for recertification, CAC designated organizations should encourage them to take the 2015 CAC training as soon as it becomes available. 4
Assister Training Instructions Guide Assister Training Instructions: A Guide to Access and Complete Assister Training for the Federally- facilitated Marketplace assistance-resources/training-materials/assister- training-instructions.pdf 5
Certification Requirements for FFM Assisters FFM Assisters are required to complete CMS training courses and assessments to satisfy federal training requirements prior to being certified to provide consumer assistance in a FFM: – All FFM Navigators and in-person assisters must complete the 14 online required Navigator Curriculum courses and their corresponding assessments with an 80% pass rate. One additional optional course has been added to the curriculum. – All FFM certified application counselors (CACs) must complete the 6 online CAC Curriculum courses and their corresponding assessments with an 80% pass rate. All other courses are optional but recommended for CACs to review. 6 Assisters must fulfill all training and certification requirements by the applicable deadline, and are strongly encouraged to complete these requirements prior to Open Enrollment, which begins November 15, 2014.
FFM Navigator and In-Person Assister Curriculum Each FFM Navigator and in-person assister is required to complete the Navigator Curriculum that consists of 14 required courses and their corresponding assessments: 7 OrderCourses 1Training Overview (no assessment) 2Health Insurance Basics 3Affordable Care Act Basics 4Marketplace Basics 5Marketplace Eligibility and Application Assistance 6Marketplace Affordability and Assistance Programs 7Marketplace Enrollment and Appeals Assistance 8Marketplace Exemptions Assistance 9SHOP Marketplace Assistance 10Cultural Competence and Language Assistance 11Serving Vulnerable and Underserved Populations 12Working with Consumers with Disabilities 13Customer Service Standards and Community Outreach 14Privacy, Security, and Fraud Prevention Standards OptionalAdvanced Marketplace Issues All courses will be available in English in September All courses will be available in Spanish in October All courses will be available in English in September All courses will be available in Spanish in October 2014.
FFM CAC Curriculum CACs have access to the full Navigator Curriculum, but are required to complete the following required 6 courses and their corresponding assessments: 8 OrderCourses 1Training Overview (no assessment) 2Marketplace Eligibility and Application Assistance 3Marketplace Affordability and Assistance Programs 4Marketplace Enrollment and Appeals Assistance 5Marketplace Exemptions Assistance 6Privacy, Security, and Fraud Prevention Standards All courses will be available in English in September All courses will be available in Spanish in October All courses will be available in English in September All courses will be available in Spanish in October 2014.
Medicare Learning Network (MLN)® You will find all CMS required courses and assessments on the MLN® training website. Key Steps Step 1: Account Set Up Step 2: Access and Complete Training Step 3: Training Completion Certificates Step 4: Certification 9 Medicare Learning Network®: For technical questions related to accessing the training, please
Step 1: Account Set Up and Registration New users should select Create Account. Create your MLN Login ID and password. 10
Step 1: Account Set Up and Registration (cont.) MLN Login ID For all Navigators and CACs, your MLN login ID must be the 13 alphanumeric character Assister ID number created by CMS and assigned to you by your organization. ―E.g. NYNAVA If you are not sure what your Assister ID number is, contact your organization for additional information. Note: Navigators must obtain a new, HIOS-generated Assister ID number before completing training. Password Your password must contain a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and at least one special character. 11 REMEMBER: If you are a returning Navigator or federally funded Enrollment Assistance Personnel, you will need to modify your existing Login ID to reflect your new Assister ID number
Step 1: Account Set Up and Registration (cont.) Complete all of the required fields, which are marked with a red asterisk. 12 Note: NPN Number is only a required field for those who select Agent/Broker/Web- Broker for their User Type/User Role. Assisters should not provide a NPN Number
Step 1: Account Set Up and Registration (cont.) Select your User Type/User Role. You may choose between English or Spanish roles for Navigators, CACs, and in-person assisters. 13 IMPORTANT: This selection will determine which training is auto-assigned to your account.
Step 1: Account Set Up and Registration (cont.) Select Grantee Organization as your Organization Type using the drop- down menu. 14 For the Organization field, click Select. Note: All Assisters are not required to select a specific Organization, and instead should select “Marketplace” as their organization. Note: All Assisters are not required to select a specific Organization, and instead should select “Marketplace” as their organization.
Step 1: Account Set Up and Registration (cont.) A second page will open. Do NOT type anything into the box labeled Find Organization. Just click Search. 15
Step 1: Account Set Up and Registration (cont.) A list of organizations will appear. Select Marketplace by clicking on the circle. Then click Save. Marketplace should now appear in the Organization field. 16 Note: All Assisters should select Marketplace as their Organization Note: All Assisters should select Marketplace as their Organization
Step 1: Account Set Up and Registration (cont.) Confirm that the auto-populated information in the Primary Language, Region, and Time Zone fields is accurate, then click Create. 17
Step 2: Access and Complete Training 18 After you successfully create your account, you will be taken to a Welcome page. The system will assign the appropriate training curriculum to your account within 15 minutes of account creation. The curriculum will appear in your training home page in the My Upcoming Learning section. REMEMBER: Each time you return to the MLN website, you must enter your MLN Login ID (same as your Assister ID Number) and password to log-in and access the training.
Step 2: Access and Complete Training (cont.) 19 Click on the Curriculum title to enroll and access the courses.
Step 2: Access and Complete Training (cont.) 20 Click on the title of the first course, then click Enroll.
Step 2: Access and Complete Training (cont.) 21 A new window will open. Click the Enroll button. You may keep the defaults that are already in place for Course Credit Options and Course Mode Options.
Step 2: Access and Complete Training (cont.) 22 Click the Open Item button, then proceed with taking the course. Note: If you leave before completing a course, your place will be bookmarked and you will be able to continue from that point when you return. Note: If you leave before completing a course, your place will be bookmarked and you will be able to continue from that point when you return.
Step 2: Access and Complete Training (cont.) 23 After you have completed a course, take the course assessment. To access the assessment, follow the same steps you took to enroll in and open the course. If you successfully complete an assessment, you will see a screen similar to the one shown to the right.
Step 2: Access and Complete Training (cont.) 24 When you return to the curriculum after logging out, you will see any courses or assessments you have started as well as those you have completed.
Step 3: Training Completion Certificates Upon successfully completing each course and assessment, you will receive a completion certificate from the MLN® system. Print or save a copy of the certificate for each course or assessment you complete. 25 REMINDER: A certificate of training completion from MLN is not your official Assister certification. REMINDER: A certificate of training completion from MLN is not your official Assister certification.
Step 4: FFM Assister Certification For FFM Navigators: After you successfully complete all required training courses and assessments, CMS will verify the training has been successfully completed and will issue the official certificate that authorizes you to begin providing consumer assistance, provided you have met all additional requirements laid out by CMS, your state, and your Navigator grantee organization. For FFM CACs: After you successfully complete all required training courses and assessments and have met all other necessary requirements for certification, your organization will issue the official certificate that authorizes you to begin providing consumer assistance. 26
Step 4: FFM Assister Certification (cont.) Assisters should display their official Assister certificate prominently at their work station(s) and whenever assisting a consumer. Assisters should comply with state and federal requirements prior to assisting consumers. 27
Resources For detailed instructions on how to access the training on MLN, please see: com com For more information about the FFM Assister training, certification, and recertification process for , please review CMS Enrollment Assister Bulletin: Initiatives/Health-Insurance- Marketplaces/Downloads/FINAL-Recertification- Bulletin pdf Initiatives/Health-Insurance- Marketplaces/Downloads/FINAL-Recertification- Bulletin pdf 28
Resources (cont.) If you are a FFM Navigator or a Federally funded Enrollment Assistance Personnel and you have questions about your certification, please contact your Project Officer or point of contact at CMS. If you are a FFM CAC and have questions about your certification, please contact the designated CAC organization with which you are affiliated. For technical questions related to accessing the training, please 29
More Resources 30
Assister’s Resources CMS weekly assister newsletter, please send a request via the CAC inbox and write “Add to listserv” in the subject Weekly webinar Newsletter, We welcome suggestions and comments, so please feel free to contact us. 31
Questions 32