Agenda For Mainstreaming Trade Agreements into Development Kiran Nepal President Society of Economic Journalists Nepal
World Trade Organisation Agriculture Sector Subsidy: Non tariff Barrier: TRIPS: –PVP legislation (domestic level ensuring farmers’ rights) –Strengthening lobby to harmoniseTRIPS-CBD (multilateral level)
WTO NAMA –Duty Free Quota Free Access in Developed country market (USA). Developed countries agreed to provide market access to 97 percent of tariff line by 2008 (deadline crossed) –Nepal should lobby to include its major exportable goods such as: garment, Pasmina –Simplification of Rules of Origin
WTO Services – Mode 4 : Easy entry and security to the unskilled, semi skilled, skilled and high skilled workers in developing and developed countries.
Aid for Trade Capacity building of the stakeholders Establishment of the equipped lab. Custom Reform Inland Container depot ( Dry Port) Fast Track Electricity, Cold Store etc.
Trade Facilitation Very Important issue for the Landlocked Least Developed countries like Nepal but How ?
SAFTA Complex Rules of Origin Long List of Sensitive list Lack of Political will Non Tariff barriers Gap between declaration and Implementation. Service sector liberlization
BIMSTEC Initial Stage BIMSTEC FTA is likely to be more liberal than SAFTA
Indo-Nepal Trade Treaty Non-Reciprocal Treatment Export Quota ( Vegetable Ghee, Acrylic Yarn, Copper ) Rules of Origin (30 percent value addition) Non Tariff Barriers ( Quarantine ) Additional Duties imposed by state and central govt. Unpredictability. India is to provide DFQF to all LDCs
Domestic Issues Supply side strengthen Inter-Ministerial Coordination Formulation of WTO compatible laws Institutional Memory ( for example: ‘war room’ in India ) Position of the New Government