As an alternative source SOLAR ENERGY As an alternative source
7th Century B.C. Magnifying glass used to concentrate sun’s rays to make fire and to burn ants. 3rd Century B.C. Greeks and Romans use burning mirrors to light torches for religious purposes. 1st to 4th Century A.D. The famous Roman bathhouses in the first to fourth centuries A.D. had large south facing windows to let in the sun’s warmth 1839 French scientist Edmond Becquerel discovers the photovoltaic effect. 1873 Willoughby Smith discovered the photoconductivity of selenium.
1883 Charles Fritts, an American inventor, described the first solar cells made from selenium wafers. 1921 Albert Einstein was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics for his research on the photoelectric effect—a phenomenon central to the generation of electricity through solar cells. 1932 Audobert and Stora discover the photovoltaic effect in cadmium sulfide (CdS). 1941 The American Russell Ohl invented a silicon solar cell.
1954 Photovoltaic technology is born in the United States when Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson develop the silicon photovoltaic (PV) cell at Bell Labs. In 1956 solar photovoltaic (PV) cells were far from economically practical. Electricity from solar cells ran about $300 per watt. (For comparison, current market rates for a watt of solar PV hover around $5.) The “Space Race” of the 1950s and 60s gave modest opportunity for progress in solar, as satellites and crafts used solar paneling for electricity. By the 1990s, the reality was that costs of solar energy had dropped as predicted, but costs of fossil fuels had also dropped—solar was competing with a falling baseline.
However, huge PV market growth in Japan and Germany from the 1990s to the present has reenergized the solar industry. In 2002 Japan installed 25,000 solar rooftops. Such large PV orders are creating economies of scale, thus steadily lowering costs. The PV market is currently growing at a blistering 30 percent per year, with the promise of continually decreasing costs.
PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) systems are like any other electrical power generating systems, just the equipment used is different than that used for conventional electromechanical generating systems. However, the principles of operation and interfacing with other electrical systems remain the same, and are guided by a well-established body of electrical codes and standards.
Depending on the functional and operational requirements of the system, the specific components required may include major components such as: DC-AC power inverter battery bank system and battery controller auxiliary energy sources and sometimes the specified electrical load (appliances). In addition, an assortment of balance of system (BOS) hardware including wiring, overcurrent surge protection disconnect devices, and other power processing equipment.
Figure show a basic diagram of a photovoltaic system and the relationship of individual components.
PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY A photovoltaic cell is a nonmechanical device usually made from silicon alloys. Sunlight is composed of photons, or particles of solar energy. These photons contain various amounts of energy corresponding to the different wavelengths of the solar spectrum.
Only the absorbed photons provide energy to generate electricity Only the absorbed photons provide energy to generate electricity. When enough sunlight (energy) is absorbed by the material (a semiconductor), electrons are dislodged from the material's atoms. Special treatment of the material surface during manufacturing makes the front surface of the cell more receptive to free electrons, so the electrons naturally migrate to the surface.
When the electrons leave their position, holes are formed When the electrons leave their position, holes are formed. When many electrons, each carrying a negative charge, travel toward the front surface of the cell, the resulting imbalance of charge between the cell's front and back surfaces creates a voltage potential like the negative and positive terminals of a battery. When the two surfaces are connected through an external load, electricity flows.
SOLAR THERMAL HEAT Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute sunlight. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors (with electrical or mechanical equipment) to convert sunlight into useful outputs. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air.
SOLAR THERMAL POWER PLANTS Solar thermal power plants use the sun's rays to heat a fluid, from which heat transfer systems may be used to produce steam. The steam, in turn, is converted into mechanical energy in a turbine and into electricity from a conventional generator coupled to the turbine. Solar thermal power generation works essentially the same as generation from fossil fuels except that instead of using steam produced from the combustion of fossil fuels, the steam is produced by the heat collected from sunlight. Solar thermal technologies use concentrator systems due to the high temperatures needed to heat the fluid. The three main types of solar-thermal power systems are: Parabolic trough Solar dish Solar power tower
ADVANTAGES renewable non-polluting free source of energy requires low maintenance silent powered solar cells can last a lifetime
DISADVANTAGES high initial cost it can be unreliable requires a lot of space
Global Energy Supply Challenges Global Electricity Market is Huge and Growing – 14 trillion kWh; $1.2 trillion Faces 3 Key Challenges – Increasing Demand on Non-Renewable Energy Sources Global Energy demand will increase by another 50% over the next 15 years Much of the growth will be in developing countries China and India alone are predicted to add 3 trillion kWh demand over next 20 years(equivalent to USA today) – 2 Billion People World-Wide Do Not Have Access to Electricity Today – Environmental Concerns with Existing Fossil Fuel Energy Sources
Traditional Energy is “Running out of Gas” Traditional Sources of Energy such as Oil & Gas are approaching peak of Production Not running out; but will become increasingly costly as reserves are depleted Fossil Fuels are increasingly under pressure due to environmental Concerns Oil industry consensus: production is will peak between 2004 and 2010 Source: C.J.Campbell “World Oil Resources” Dec 2000
Where will the Power Come From Traditional sources such as coal / oil Supply Concerns: • Non-renewable • Increasingly more expensive • Energy Dependence Environmental Concerns: • Largest industrial source of CO2 • Produces 97% of SO2 emissions • Largest Source of Air Pollution
Nuclear Power Plants Would Need to Build 800 new Nuclear Plants (1000MW each) over 15 years That is 1/Week!!! Not In My Back Yard! Safety Concerns Safety Concerns
Renewable Energy Biggest Power Plant..
World Electricity = 1.8 Tera Watts Unlimited Supply of Energy – Earth receives enough solar energy to cater for the world’s energy needs, and it’s free… 250.8 Tera Watts World Electricity = 1.8 Tera Watts
Is Solar Energy applicable to our country? Technically, yes
Technical Advancement Beginning with the surge in coal use which accompanied the Industrial Revolution, energy consumption has steadily transitioned from wood and biomass to fossil fuels. The early development of solar technologies starting in the 1860s was driven by an expectation that coal would soon become scarce. However development of solar technologies stagnated in the early 20th century in the face of the increasing availability, economy, and utility of coal and petroleum. The 1973 oil embargo and 1979 energy crisis caused a reorganization of energy policies around the world and brought renewed attention to developing solar technologies. Deployment strategies focused on incentive programs such as the Federal Photovoltaic Utilization Program in the US and the Sunshine Program in Japan.
Marcos Government predicts the scarcity of energy in the near future Marcos Government predicts the scarcity of energy in the near future. They search for possible and alternative sources of energy such as Dendro, Solar, Nuclear, etc.
Electrification of rural households and educational facilities
Electrification of School and Community on Pulo Island, Talisay, Batangas
School of the Seas, Bantayan Island
The CEPALCO 1-MW Photovoltaic Power Plant Owned and operated by the Cagayan Electric Power & Light Company, Inc., which is one of the largest electricity distributors in the country and services Cagayan de Oro (CDO) and nearby municipalities. Started in August 2003 and was finished in April of the succeeding year Largest solar power plant in Southeast Asia The plant operates in the morning, while the company’s seven-megawatt hydroelectric plant near the Bubunawan River operates at night.
The power plant, which generates 1 The power plant, which generates 1.1 MW of power, is currently the 133rd largest solar power plant in the world (with ties) according to this list and puts the Philippines at number 9 among the countries in the world having the largest solar power plants Expansion plan for the next four years to avert an expected power shortfall in the Mindanao grid. Back in 2002, there was a plan to put up Sinag 1, in Palawan, which was to have been the world’s largest solar power plant back then at 6.67 MW. Apparently, this grandiose plan did not push through.
Solar Car : Sinag Sinag participated in the 20th World Solar Challenge in Australia in October 2007, where it needs to traverse almost 3,000 kilometers from Darwin to Adelaide. Sinag won 11th place over-all from about 40 entries worldwide
SPML, located near Manila, is the first semiconductor fab in the Philippines and the first large-scale solar cell facility in Southeast Asia. The plant will initially turn out 25 megawatts per year of high-efficiency silicon solar cells to meet the increasing worldwide demand for clean, reliable solar-electric power systems. The SPML building footprint is designed to allow future capacity expansion to more than 100 megawatts. Residential Installation
Commercial & Public Microsoft Silicon Valley
Gwangju City Power Plant, South Korea Solar Power Made in the Philippines Gwangju City Power Plant, South Korea 1MW
Serpa Power Plant, Serpa, Portugal 11MW
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada 15 MW
The Philippines now has the highest performance solar manufacturing capability in the world.
How about our legislative preparedness? Are we prepared enough? Theoretically,yes.
Law (Renewable Energy Act) Most comprehensive law in SEA Renewable Energy Act, or Republic Act 9513, which promotes the accelerated development and commercialization of renewable energy resources. Aside from wind, solar and hydro energy, the law also lists biomass, ocean and geothermal as renewable energy resources. Among others, developers of renewable energy are entitled to income tax holiday, duty-free importation of machinery and materials, zero value-added tax rate on the resources, and special corporate and realty tax rates
How about economical issues? Unfortunately, economically speaking, solar energy is NOT YET a sunshine industry for us.
Power Plant Application FACTS AND FIGURES: Power Plant Application Taking a pro-environment stance, the provincial government of Masbate has banned the establishment of a coal-fired power generating facility in the province, derailing a P1.8-billion, 15-megawatt coal plant project of the David M. Consunji Inc. (DMCI) Holdings in the area. CEPALCO’s 1MW power plant, with installed costs close to 5.3 Million US Dollars, uses 6,500 solar panels on 2 hectares of land and was partially funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) which was facilitated by the World Bank VS. P 120 Million / MW VS. P 265 Million / MW* * 2X Higher
Typical Household Wattage Consumption: 3.43 kwh / day 1 KW : 1Million P 3.43 Million P 187.95 / day* VS. P 27.18 / day P 54.79 / kwh** VS. P 7.92 / kwh *50 years in service **7X Higher
Is Solar Energy worth the cost? Definitely, yes
Solar Energy Prospects: Solar Energy, while small now, will become an important part of the global energy mix in the near future. Current Global Energy Mix Coal, 41% Natural Gas, 19% Renewables, 18% Solar, <1% Nuclear, 16% Oil, 6% The PV market is experiencing explosive growth – Much like the semiconductor industry 30 yrs ago
The Philippines has an opportunity to capture the “Solar Economy” and capture the “next Semiconductor” growth industry, yet forward looking legislation is needed.
Thank you!
TEAM SOLAR: Ebuenga, Rolando Platino, Benzon Ricohermoso, John Mark Sison, Raymond