Joining Turnitin ® It will be required for you to submit some assignments through Turnitin.
You can access from: Mrs. Young’s page on the school website (links) The library home page: welcome.jsp?site=1110 Or go directly to the website:
Click on “Create account”
Choose “student” under the “Create a New Account” section
Mrs. Young will provide the class ID and enrollment password for each class. You will need to fill in your information and create your own password for your individual account. Please use your real name. You must agree to the User Agreement.
You should be ready to log in.
Click on the class name.
hover over the icon for more information click on “Submit” next to the appropriate assignment Upload a file; do NOT cut and paste.
Be sure to follow all screen directions and wait for a confirmation of your submission. There are 3 steps. You will receive an confirmation. If you don’t get an , go back into the program and try again. When finished, log out (top of page on the right) until the next announced Turnitin assignment.