Warm Up Write a sentence the demonstrates your understanding of each of the words in context. You will write 1 sentence for each term: colony tyranny revolution Warm Up Write a sentence the demonstrates your understanding of each of the words in context. You will write 1 sentence for each term: colony tyranny revolution
1. Put the following events in chronological order: (list the # in the order they occurred) 1. American Revolution; 2. Boston Massacre; 3. Stamp Act; 4. Proclamation of 1763; 5. Boston Tea Party; 6. Continental Congress 2. What was the British response (an act) to the Boston Tea Party? List 2 specific elements of the response. WARM UP: CLOSED NOTES, INDEPENDENTLY WARM UP: CLOSED NOTES, INDEPENDENTLY
Road to the American Revolution
Essential Question: To what extent did the British monarchy’s policies contribute to colonial rebellion?
Why build colonies......To profit economically of course!...To profit economically of course!
Navigation Acts: Passed by British Parliament in the 1660s Created a list of enumerated products that could only be shipped to England Defined American colonies as suppliers of raw materials for English manufacturers Colonies were seen as markets for English manufactured goods Navigation Acts: Passed by British Parliament in the 1660s Created a list of enumerated products that could only be shipped to England Defined American colonies as suppliers of raw materials for English manufacturers Colonies were seen as markets for English manufactured goods But Americans didn’t worry too much about the Navigation Acts... But Americans didn’t worry too much about the Navigation Acts...
★ England had other problems to deal with in Europe ★ Both sides were making plenty of money: - England was getting their enumerated products for manufacturing - The Colonies had developed a lucrative smuggling operation ★ England had other problems to deal with in Europe ★ Both sides were making plenty of money: - England was getting their enumerated products for manufacturing - The Colonies had developed a lucrative smuggling operation...Because they were rarely enforced!...Because they were rarely enforced! This becomes known as: Salutary Neglect This becomes known as: Salutary Neglect
War between England and France; first European war fought on American soil Victory is costly...England runs up huge debt from fighting the war & turns to colonies to generate revenue Colonists fight alongside the British; Native Americans ally with the French French & Indian War (1754) England wins and acquires most of the French North American territory
Proclamation of 1763
Things start to change... Stamp Act (1765) Any paper product sold in the colonies required a British stamp Stamp Act (1765) Any paper product sold in the colonies required a British stamp Colonists were outraged because EVERY colonist was impacted Especially the politically active who published newspapers & pamphlets Colonists were outraged because EVERY colonist was impacted Especially the politically active who published newspapers & pamphlets
Sons of Liberty Group formed by middle and upper- class “patriots” to protest the Stamp Act and lack of voice in government Sons of Liberty Group formed by middle and upper- class “patriots” to protest the Stamp Act and lack of voice in government
Colonial Reaction to Stamp Act Led by Sons of Liberty, angry colonists: Attacked stamp agents & initiated boycotts Burned down the mansion of the Massachusetts Royal Governor Started the Stamp Act riot in Boston Led by Sons of Liberty, angry colonists: Attacked stamp agents & initiated boycotts Burned down the mansion of the Massachusetts Royal Governor Started the Stamp Act riot in Boston
New Moves by England Stamp Act Repealed (1766) Townshend Acts (1767)-Instituted new taxes on the importation of glass, paint, paper, lead, and tea Money would be used to pay colonial governor’s salary. Sons of Liberty begin promoting the Non- Importation Movement British sent more soldiers to Boston to help gain control over colonists and to protect tax collectors. Tensions mounting...
Tea Act-1773 Passed to help the struggling British East India Company avoid bankruptcy Gave the East India Company a monopoly on the sale of tea to the British Empire Colonists saw this as a direct attack on local merchants and another encroachment of British policies.
British Response Quick and Brutal Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts (1774) 1.Closed the port of Boston 2.Banned town meetings and stated all colonial government officials would be appointed by the crown 3.Trial of British officials and soldiers moved to England
Colonial Response to the Intolerable Acts First Continental Congress (1774) 12 of 13 colonies (Georgia did not attend) Called for boycotts of British goods and refusal to export certain goods to England Declaration of Rights and Grievances Colonial rebellion against Intolerable acts! Agree to meet in May 1775 if demands not met...
Battle of Lexington and Concord (April 1775)
British Try to Disarm the Colonies Battle of Lexington and Concord (1775) British soldiers marching to armory at Concord to seize weapons Planned a swift attack with British troops. Colonial intelligence discovered plan and sent warning through Paul Revere and others.
Second Continental Congress (1775) Called following the Lexington and Concord Created Continental Army and chose George Washington to lead it Printed $ to pay for the army (called Continental Currency)
Declaration of Independence (1776) British Response: sent thousands of troops & closed all colonial ports
Mobilizing the Masses with your own PROPAGANDA
Write an introductory paragraph arguing that either the Americans OR the British had the “edge” going into the war. Should include... An “attention-grabbing” opener An introduction of the topic A compelling 3-part thesis Should include... An “attention-grabbing” opener An introduction of the topic A compelling 3-part thesis