Cultural Competency Through CultureVision February 2010
Cultural Competency 2 Agenda The Definition of Culture in Health Care Cultural Competency and the Joint Commission Standards UCSF’s Commitment to Cultural Competency CultureVision – A Tool for UCSF Questions and Answers
Cultural Competency 3 The Definition of Culture in Health Care Culture is defined as: –the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also, the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time ( Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary) –It guides the decisions and actions of a group through time. Culture combine with Health Care –Expressions of Culture in Health Care –Varies practices for treating illness –Theories within varies cultures on the relationship between the cause and nature of illness and treatment
Cultural Competency 4 Cultural Competency and the Joint Commission Standards Cultural competency is defined as: –An ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures. –Cultural competence comprises four components: (a) Awareness of one's own cultural worldview, (b) Attitude towards cultural differences, (c) Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews, and, (d) cross-cultural skills. –Developing cultural competence results in an ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures. ( –To deliver culturally appropriate and specifically tailored care to patients with diverse values, beliefs, and behaviors.
Cultural Competency 5 Cultural Competency and the Joint Commission Standards Joint Commission has studied cultural competence and in particular, standards to advance effective communication, cultural competence and patient- centered care in hospitals building on the work of the Health, Language, and Culture study. The standards will be implemented fully in January Specifically the Joint Commission Standards require: –The hospital must orient staff on the following: Sensitivity to cultural diversity based on job duties and responsibilities. HR –Staff participate in education and training that is specific to the needs of the patient population served by the hospital. HR
Cultural Competency 6 Why Cultural Competency Training at UCSF? Learn the value of diversity and the differences in perspectives between patients and providers, as well as between co-workers Enhance an understandings which will help to engage patient and employee satisfaction Improve communication with each patient to enhance quality of care and among staff Assist to make each clinical and non-clinical staff member more sensitive to the particular needs of each patient
Cultural Competency 7 One Main Goal…. With this presentation, greater awareness of cultural competency and the introduction of CultureVision to UCSF, one main goal is to: Increase the ability to ASK questions and NOT rely on past stereotypes!
Cultural Competency 8 What are the Demographics of San Francisco?
Cultural Competency 9 The UCSF Population – Both Patients and Employees Our Patients Add Chart Our Staff Add Chart
Cultural Competency 10 UCSF’S Commitment to Cultural Awareness The obvious expressions of cultural diversity are: Age Gender Ethnicity Race Sexual Orientation Mental and Physical Ability and Characteristics
Cultural Competency 11 UCSF’S Commitment to Cultural Awareness The not so obvious expressions of cultural diversity include: Socio-Economic Status Communication Style Work Style Marital Status Work Background Day Shift/Night Shift Functional Level Religious Beliefs Thinking Styles Geographic Location Parental Status Education Political Affiliation
Cultural Competency 12 UCSF’S Commitment to Cultural Awareness Cultural Competency starts with –Awareness –Grows with Knowledge –Enhanced with Skills and Encounters To assist our UCSF workforce, UCSF has contracted with CultureVision which is a on-line tool that will have a link on the Intranet page under Clinical References
Cultural Competency 13 William Osler, MD, 1897 “It is more important what patient has the disease, than what disease the patient has.”
Cultural Competency 14 Culture Appears In Many Ways Taboos Gestures Competition vs. Cooperation Direct vs. Indirect Time Orientation Eye Contact Personal Space UCSF has implemented Culture Vision to help build cultural competency!
Cultural Competency 15 CultureVision – A Tool for UCSF CultureVision was developed by Cook Ross, Inc. founded in 1989 It provide services in 47 states and 15 other countries and has worked with dozens of heath care providers The following outlines the approach and criteria used by Cook Ross, Inc. to develop CultureVision
Cultural Competency 16 Patient Concept of Health Beliefs, Religion, Spirituality Language and Commun- ication Family Traditions Gender Roles Diet and Nutrition Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Physical and Mental Illness- related Issues Treatment Issues Labor, Birth and Aftercare Death and Dying
Cultural Competency 17 Age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Socio-Economic Factors Cultural, Educational, Linguistic Issues Interpretations of Disease, Illness, Treatment Level of Trust/Level of Fear Personal Response to Provider Family Situation
Cultural Competency 18 Prejudices, Biases Training and Experience Sensitivity to Patient’s Needs, Values, Desires Patient/Family Role in Decision- making Level of Beneficence Toward Patient
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Cultural Competency 23 Summary Take time to understand other styles for increased effectiveness. Adapt to the communication preferences of others for best results. Practice makes perfect! CultureVision can help you as you care of our patients and improve our organization! Look for the link to CultureVision on the UCSF intranet under Clinical References!
Questions and Discussion Thank you! Cultural Diversity