Communication and Spirituality NUR102 Fundamentals This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.
Culture Defined as non physical traits such as values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs shared by a group of people and these are passed down from generation to the next generation These values, beliefs, and norms guide the groups thoughts and behaviors
Transcultural Care Dr.M.Leininger theorist/researcher/doctrine in anthropology; pioneered transcultural nursing Transcultural nursing is a comparative study of cultures to understand similarities and differences across human groups; the focus is on how patterns of behavior in health, illness, and caring are influenced by values/beliefs of specific cultural groups
Transcultural Nursing Care The goal of transcultural nursing is to provide culturally congruent care- -Cultural congruent is care that fits the people’s valued life patterns and set of meanings- which is generated from the people themselves, rather than based on predetermined criteria
Culturally congruent care Requires: –Cultural Awareness –Cultural Knowledge –Cultural Skills –Cultural Encounters –Cultural Desire
Cultural affects on Communication Difference in Language Non-verbal expressions Usage of time Space Silence and touch
Medical Treatments Related to Cultural Beliefs Acceptance of invasive treatments Receiving blood Nutritional choices Usage of medications Personal definition of health Use of religious symbols
Religion and Spirituality
Religion- the practice of rituals which flesh out one’s beliefs or spirituality; associated with the “state of doing” followed by a system of practices associated with particular denomination Spirituality- is unique to each individual and provides meaning to our lives
Religious and Spirituality Health promotion is one holism that is essential to consider the spiritual aspect of our patients Spiritual distress- the disruption of an individual’s “life principle” which fills the person’s entire being and transcends one’s biological and psychological nature
Increased Time of Spiritual Need Acute Illness Chronic Illness Terminal Illness Individuation Near-Death experience
Spirituality and the Nursing Process Assessment Diagnosis Goals Implementation Evaluation
Assessment Faith/Beliefs Life and self responsibility Life satisfaction Culture Support systems Rituals or practices Client Expectations
Nursing Diagnosis Spiritual distress related to…. Ineffective coping related to ….. Hopelessness related to……
Goals The patient will achieve balance between life values, goals,belief systems, and their relationship within themselves and others The patient will utilize support system
Implementation Caring behaviors Assessing need for clergy; knowing how to contact hospital chaplain Prayer and rituals Integration of care with family- provide meals, assist with care, and support
Evaluation Review specific goals set for patients Determine whether they were met? Were clients expectations met?
Future of Nursing and Spirituality Parish Nursing- -focuses on the whole person to emphasize wellness, disease prevention, and health promotion including healthy spirituality; many roles the integrator of faith and health, educator, counselor, referral advisor, advocate, developer of support groups and coordinator
Questions and Answers
Websites: Parish Nurses Organization – Transcultural Nurses Society –