U.S. General Services Administration Dana Arnold Senior Program Manager Office of the Federal Environmental Executive May 5, 2010 Legal Requirements for Buying Green and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2 Why Buy Green? "As the largest consumer of energy in the U.S. economy, the Federal Government can and should lead by example when it comes to creating innovative ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy efficiency, conserve water, reduce waste, and use environmentally responsible products and technologies." - President Barack Obama, October 5, 2009
3 The Federal Footprint Spent $500 billion on goods and services in FY 2008 Owns or leases more than 645,000 vehicles worldwide Manages or owns nearly 1 in every 5 acres in the U.S. Single largest domestic buyer and user of energy Real property portfolio of nearly 900,000 assets, including more than 400,000 buildings Spends $3.5 billion annually to provide energy to its facilities
4 Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, October 8, 2009: Establish an integrated agency strategy for sustainability, including reducing GHG emissions, within the Federal government in order to lead by example and achieve a clean energy economy Policy
5 “Sustainable” To create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans.
6 Goals E.O sets goals for improvements in the following areas: ● greenhouse gas emissions ● energy efficiency ● water use efficiency and management ● pollution prevention and waste elimination ● regional and local integrated planning ● sustainable Federal buildings ● sustainable acquisition ● electronics stewardship ● environmental management
7 7 Sustainable Acquisition Goal E.O requires agencies to ensure that 95% of all new contracts, including contract modifications, for products and services specify: – Energy-efficient products – Water-efficient products – Biobased products – Environmentally preferable products and services – Non-ozone depleting substances – Recycled content products – Non-toxic or less-toxic alternatives
8 8 E.O Goals E.O , Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, sets acquisition-related goals for: Purchasing green products (products with specific energy and environmental attributes) Sustainable Federal buildings EPEAT-registered products Non- or low-toxic or hazardous products
9 9 Scope of Federal Green Purchasing Program Recycled content products Energy- and water-efficient products Alternative fuel vehicles/alternative fuels Biobased products Environmentally preferable products Non-ozone depleting substances Low or non-toxic or non-hazardous chemicals
10 Legal Basis Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Section 6002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act (2002 Farm Bill), Section 9002 Energy Policy Act of 1992 and 2005 Energy Information and Security Act of 2007 Clean Air Act Executive Orders 13514, 13423, and Federal Acquisition Regulation
11 What are We Trying to Accomplish? Create markets for recovered materials and biobased materials Increase building and vehicle energy efficiency Increase building water efficiency Reduce pollution Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Improve worker safety Improve building indoor air quality Demonstrate the viability of green products Office of the Federal Environmental Executive
12 Categories of Products Typically Designated Office Products - Paper - Non-Paper - Office Electronics Construction Products - Materials - HVAC Systems - Lighting - Finishes (including paint, furniture, and carpet) Fleet Vehicles, Fuels, and Products Park and Recreation Products Janitorial Products Landscaping Products
13 FAR Clauses – Recycled Content For recycled content paper: Printed or Copied Double-Sided on Recycled Paper For affirmative procurement: Recovered Materials Certification Certification and Estimate of Percentage of Recovered Material Content for EPA Designated Items (Use only on contracts exceeding $100,000.) For support services and O&M contractors: - FAR Waste Reduction Program
14 FAR Clauses – Recycled Content Affirmative Procurement of EPA- Designated Items in Services and Construction Contracts (effective May 22, 2008)
15 FAR Clauses – Biobased Content Biobased Product Certification Affirmative Procurement of Biobased Products Under Service and Construction Contracts
16 FAR Clauses – Energy Star and Energy-Efficient Products (b)(1)(viii) Terms and Conditions – Simplified Acquisitions (effective December 24, 2007) Energy Efficiency in Energy-Consuming Products (effective December 24, 2007) Applies to products delivered, used in the performance of the work, furnished for government use, or specified in the design of a building or work.
17 FAR Clauses – EPEAT-Registered Products – basic clause for purchasing EPEAT bronze products Alternate I – used for purchasing EPEAT silver products
18 Recycled Content Products Legal basis: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act section 6002, E.O.s and What’s required: Purchase EPA-designated recycled content products
19 Cool Stuff EPA entered into a blanket purchase agreement with Corporate Express to supply recycled content and environmentally preferable office products. The Naval Undersea Warfare Division, Newport, has an agreement with Office Depot to supply green office products. Both agreements require the vendor to report what was purchased.
20 Cool Stuff Homestead Air Reserve Base created an Environmentally Friendly Products Section at the base supply store. Sandia National Labs added green contract language to the template for all construction contracts. This template is used by all project managers when requesting proposals from new contractors and developing work scope for pre- approved contractors.
21 For More Information
22 Energy Star and FEMP-Designated Products and Low Standby Power Devices Legal basis: Energy Policy Act, Energy Independence and Security Act, E.O.s 13514, 13423, and What’s required: Purchase Energy Star and FEMP- designated products; products that use minimal standby power; renewable energy; and EPEAT-registered products
23 Buying EPEAT-Registered Products Update all contracts to reflect E.O. requirements to buy EPEAT-registered products. Specify EPEAT-registered products in every task order. Use list of EPEAT-registered products at Buy from resellers who identify EPEAT- registered products. Buy off GWACs that identify EPEAT-registered products (NASA SEWP IV and ODIN, GSA Alliant).
24 EPEAT-Registered Products (as of 03/23/10) EPEAT Quick Search Tool Product Total Desktops Integrated Desktop Computers Displays Notebooks Thin Clients 0909
25 Cool Stuff Air Force uses more than 339 million kilowatt hours of renewable power – wind, solar, biogas, and biomass. EPA uses green power for 100% of its national electricity consumption. Purchased power Renewable energy certificates (tags) The largest solar array in the U.S. was installed last year at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.
26 For More Information ocuring_eeproducts.html
27 Biobased Products Legal basis: Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 section 9002, E.O What’s required: Purchase USDA-designated biobased products
28 Biobased Products USDA designations (3/16/06): Mobile equipment hydraulic fluids* Urethane roof coatings Water tank coatings Diesel fuel additives* Penetrating lubricants* Bedding, bed linens, towels * excluding combat, combat-related, and space- related applications
29 Biobased Products Round 2 (5/14/08) Adhesive and Mastic Removers Disposable Containers Fluid-Filled Transformers Composite Panels Fertilizers Grease and Graffiti Removers Hand Cleaners and Sanitizers Plastic Insulating Foam for Residential and Commercial Construction Sorbents
30 Biobased Products Round 3 (5/14/08) 2-Cycle Engine Oils Disposable Cutlery Films Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners Carpets Dust Suppressants Glass Cleaners Greases Stationary Equipment Hydraulic Fluid Lip Care Products
31 Biobased Products Round 4 (5/14/08) Bathroom and Spa Cleaners Concrete and Asphalt Release Fluids Metalworking fluids General Purpose De- Icers Firearm Lubricants Floor Strippers Laundry Products Wood and Concrete Sealers
32 Biobased Products Round 5 (10/27/2008) Chain and Cable Lubricants Corrosion Preventatives Food Cleaners Forming Lubricants Gear Lubricants General Purpose Household Cleaners Industrial Cleaners Multipurpose Cleaners Parts Wash Solutions
33 Cool Stuff In FY 2006, Federal agencies used or tested nearly three dozen types of biobased products, including lubricants, cleaning products, construction products, fleet maintenance products, solvents, and landscaping products.
34 For More Information
35 Environmentally Preferable Products Legal basis: E.O.s and What’s required: Purchase environmentally preferable products and services
36 What to Buy Green Cleaning products and services Cafeteriaware Electronic office equipment - EPEAT-registered equipment Meetings and conference services Furniture Building renovation, construction, and maintenance (janitorial, landscaping) products
37 Cool Stuff 2007 revision to EPA’s acquisition regulations requires offerors for meeting and conference services to provide information about environmentally preferable features and practices at the offerors’ facilities. There are 14 questions about attributes such as: Recycling services Proximity to mass transportation Energy- and water-efficiency practices in lodging
38 For More Information
39 Where to Find the Products Lists Individual program web sites provided above. Green Products Compilation Supporting Information and Tools Databases/Software Tools
40 Example: Product standards of electronics Example Page (courtesy of Prizm for Dept. of the Interior) Select product tabIdentify product standards
41 For More Information Visit FedCenter.gov E.O section Sustainable Acquisition section Contact the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive at Dana Arnold Senior Program Manager