OVERVIEW OF RENEWABLE ENERGIES IN SPAIN LEONARDO PARTNERSHIPS: Network for Vocational Education and Training in Renewable Energy CPIFP PIRAMIDE Carretera Cuarte S/N Huesca SPAIN
MAIN FIGURES In 2013, renewable energies were the third source of primary energy consumption in Spain at 14.2%. In 2013, renewable energies represented 15.9% of total final energy consumption in Spain, a 1.5% increase on the 14.4% rate achieved in As for gross final consumption of energy —which is the benchmark for meeting the 20% target by 2020—, in 2013 the rate achieved was 16.6%, a 0.1% reduction compared to the 16.7% rate achieved in 2012.
GENERAL OVERVIEW NEW SPANISH GOVERNEMENT HAS BREAKRUPT THE RE POLICY IN LAST 3 YEARS BUT SPAIN STILL REMAINS AS ONE OF THE EUROPEAN RE LEADERS Constant improvisation has led to continuous regulatory changes, a situation that does not allow operations within the predictable, certain framework with a broad consensus that would be desirable for the sector. Another significant consequence has been the creation of an accumulated tariff deficit that has become a national problem and the most urgent issue to be solved by the current Government. Thus, the entire reform of the electricity sector has revolved around a solution for this deficit, without even considering the long announced reform of the electricity market, producing simply a set of merely fiscal and fundraising and, in some cases, confiscatory measures that have been particularly discriminatory against renewable energies.
MAIN FIGURES ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION Wind power covered 20.9% of demand and became the first source of electricity production, something up to now unheard of both in Spain and worldwide
MAIN FIGURES INSTALLED CAPACITY In terms of installed capacity the total capacity from renewable energies was 32,612 MW. Wind power represented 69.9% followed by photovoltaic solar power with (14.2%), thermal solar power (7.1%), small-scale hydropower (6.3%) and biomass (2.6%)
MAIN FIGURES INSTALLED CAPACITY Aragón is the fifth region in Spain considering the total capacity installed
MAIN FIGURES ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION Aragón is the fifth region in Spain considering the electricity production using renewable energies
MAIN FIGURES EMPLOYMENT In 2013 the sector employed directly 50,913 people, a 6.5% reduction compared to 2012, and lost 3,351 direct employments.
In 2010 Spain submitted to EU the National Action Plan for Renewable Energies (NREAP). The Plan initially set a target of a 22.7% share of final gross energy consumption from renewable sources, compared with the 20% target set in the Directive.
RE OBJECTIVES In 2012 Spain in nineteenth position in Europe having achieved only 72% of its target. Compliance is above the EU28 average and over several countries as Germany, France or UK
In 2013 main producer in EU
TECH: WIND POWER In 2013 main producer in EU Several spanish companies between the bigger in EU Small development in offshore wind power
MORE INFORMATION ON: RE producers association Photovoltaics association fotovoltaica-conquista-el-mercado/ CENER National renewable energy centre Eurobserv‘ER REE Electrical network Regional policy: partamentos/IndustriaInnovacion/AreasTematicas/Energia/ci. 04_plear.detalleDepartamento?channelSelected=0 partamentos/IndustriaInnovacion/AreasTematicas/Energia/ci. 04_plear.detalleDepartamento?channelSelected=0 Spanish policy able/Paginas/Paner.aspx