Different Strokes for different folks
The 4 basic personality types
Draw a square a circle and a triangle
Draw a square, a circle and a triangle again, with your OTHER HAND….
How did it FEEL to write with your less preferred hand? Do you think you could LEARN to write with the that hand? Do you think it’s better to be left-handed or right-handed? Would you judge a person based on that? Are we talking about “better” ways to do things or “different” ways?
What would be your perfect New Year’s Eve?
At home or out? Stimulating and exciting or safe, warm and sane? With or without champagne? Spend with people you already know? Splurge or homemade? Planned way ahead or spontaneous?
DO/FEEL: What If ? “Dynamic” Wants to adapt new learning to different settings or issues Seeks to go beyond the classroom and relate learning to other areas of life Likes to find other uses for new learning
FEEL/WATCH: Why? “Imaginative” Seeks a purpose for information: Why is it important to learn this? Looks for a personal connection with the content Considers situations from many points of view
THINK/DO: How ? “Common sense” Wants to apply and test theories and models Gets involved with new learning by personally testing it out
WATCH/THINK: What ? “Analytic” Wants to know critical facts Seeks theories and models to explain what’s happening Enjoys learning facts and arranging them in a logical, concise manner
Professor Howard Gardner, Harvard University The concept of “Multiple Intelligences”
LINGUISTIC Word Smart journalists, poets, lawyers
LOGICAL-MATHEMATICAL Logic Smart scientists, accountants, computer technicians
SPATIAL Picture Smart architects, artists, pilots, engineers
MUSICAL Music Smart singers, composers, musicians
BODILY-KINESTHETIC Body Smart athletes, craftspeople, surgeons
INTERPERSONAL People Smart social workers, teachers, negotiators, clergy
INTRAPERSONAL Self Smart counselors, theologians, the self-employed
NATURALISTIC Categorizing and Natural Smart biologist and botanists, chefs
PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES: 1.You could Visualize it 2.You could Diagram it (spatial intelligence) 3.You could just Do it (bodily-kinesthetic(haptic) intelligence 4.You could Calculate it mathematically (logical-mathematical intelligence) 5.You could Verbalize it (linguistic intelligence)
A man and a woman are standing side by side with their weight on their right feet. They begin walking so that each steps out on his or her left foot. The woman takes 3 steps for each of the man’s 2 steps.
Problem #1 How many steps has the man taken by the time they’re on the right foot together?
How would you like to solve this problem?
DIAGRAM it? (spatial intelligence)
(bodily-kinesthetic intelligence) DO it? (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence)
CALCULATE it mathematically? (logical-mathematical intelligence)
VERBALIZE it? (linguistic intelligence)
Answer: When the man has taken 4 steps (so, the woman has taken 6)
+ + Problem #2 A cube is painted on the outside and, with 9 equal slices, is divided into 27 smaller cubes.
How many of each type block. 3 sides painted. 2 sides painted How many of each type block? 3 sides painted 2 sides painted 1 sides painted 0 sides painted
How would you like to solve this? Visualize it Diagram it Do it Calculate it Verbalize it
Do it? VISUALIZE it?
Answer: 3 sides painted – 8 2 sides painted – 12 1 sides painted – 6 0 sides painted - 1
Problem #3 How thick is a piece of paper folded 50 times?
Mathematically? DO it? 1+1= 2 folds 2+2= 4 folds 4+4= 8 folds
How would you like to solve this? Visualize it Diagram it Do it Calculate it Verbalize it
Answer: 1,000,000,000,000 2 to the 50th power
Rearrange 12 sticks forming 3 squares, Problem #4 Rearrange 12 sticks forming 3 squares,
into 8 squares.
Just Do it?