BEST Cluster Project: Principles of Learning and Teaching in Action NamePOLTSchool address Sue Ngam4.5Endeavour Hills Campus
1. What was the teaching and learning challenge to which you responded? Which PoLT did you address? Students at Endeavour Hill Campus are taught different problem solving strategies at Year 7. These strategies are revisited at Year 8 and 9. The focus is on getting students to familiarize themselves with these strategies to solve problems. POLT 4 Students are challenged and supported to develop deep levels of thinking and application. Teacher action 4.5 Teacher uses strategies to develop investigating and problem solving skills.
2. What was the focus of the unit of work? i.e. Key Concepts; Understandings; Essential Questions? A set of ten problem solving questions were given to the class. Students are expected to employ appropriate problem solving strategy in the solution to each problem. A revision of the various strategies were discussed. These include: identify the goals clearly find the similar but easier problem and solve it work backwards trial and error solve the opposite problem first make a list use deductive logic, the use of Venn diagram is encouraged form an equation and solve it draw a diagram the use of lateral thinking, using a flow chart form a table form an equation
3. What could the students already do alone? What did the students already know? Students have been exposed to different problem solving strategies since Year 7. They have been encouraged to explore,discuss and apply a variety of strategies to solve different problems. However a majority of the students do not seem to have the confidence to apply an appropriate strategy to a particular problem. Some students are able to solve the problem but are unable to identify the strategy used. Hence they were not able to explain and discuss their solution clearly. Some did not recall the strategies they had learnt.
4. How were the students assisted? eg. scaffolding, modelling, questioning, mind maps etc. Show or list resources used and length of learning sequence. A quick discussion and revision of the different problem solving strategies were conducted. Mini lessons were conducted when necessary to ensure students were confident to apply these strategies. Extra support were provided for students who need extra assistance during Lunchtime or Homework Club.
5. Review. How successful was the learning sequence? What will the students do next? In terms of reinforcing their knowledge of a variety of problem solving strategies it was a successful exercise. Some students were able to apply and explain their solutions very clearly using appropriate strategies. Students’ thinking process has improved and the confidence in dealing with problems has increased. It was an excellent learning process. Students discussed the way they approach the problems. Some were able to confidently explain their solutions to others. The feedback from the students were mostly positive. The problems were not designed to to be too challenging and the main purpose was to revisit and revise the strategies so that they could apply them effectively. Students found the task challenging as they had to explain and discuss the process. The skills of applying different strategies to problems is transferable to the way they approach the VELS Design Tasks,especially in way they analyse and evaluate the tasks. These students are given several VELS Design Tasks during the year in the topics learnt. They are expected to analyse and evaluate task given.
6. Evidence: Attach relevant classroom materials, worksheets, rubrics, surveys, photographs and student work.