CALWATER2 Field Study of Air-Sea Interaction and AR dynamics in Midlatitude Pacific Storms Ship (NOAA Brown) Ship Field Duration – 30 days Time Window – Jan 1, 2015 – Mar 10, 2015 Ship location – Nominally N 130 W Aerosols, meteorology, clouds, precip, waves, surface fluxes
Science Targets Ship Ops Characterization of near surface meteorology, aerosols, fluxes Profiles T/RH/U Cloud properties, Precip structures Surface budgets: – Moisture (evap and precip) – Aerosols (production, deposition) Wave spectra and breaking, bubbles
Water Vapor Budget Boxes -NASA Global Hawk -Dropsondes, aerosols Ship - DOE AMF2 - Small UAS - Air-sea fluxes - Precipitation estimates NASA DC-8 - Aerosols, trace gases - Precipitation estimates DOE G-1 - Aerosols - Microphysics Ground - NOAA HMT - UCSD ATOFMS Sierra Nevada, Shasta, and Coast Ranges (white bars) Hawaii SSM/I satellite observations of IWV showing a strong atmospheric river on 12 Dec 2010 (from Ralph and Dettinger BAMS 2012) CalWater 2 Experimental Design Schematic Operations bases -Global Hawk, DC-8 (NASA Dryden) -P-3B, G-1 (Monterey) Operations base -DC-8 (HawaiI) Remote aerosol plume (schematic) 20°N 30°N 40°N 50°N 160°W150°W140°W130°W Aerosol Profiling - NASA DC-8 - Aerosols, trace gases Courtesy of F. M. Ralph, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory NASA P-3B - Surface water level - Soil moisture
CALWATER2 Ship-based Sensors X-band Radar – AMF2 (CSU Rutledge) DOE AMF2 - PNNL (Leung) – Aerosols, microwaves, lidars, wind profilers, … Fluxes and Near-Surface Meteorology-ESRL/PSD (Fairall) Marine aerosol chemistry, production - PMEL (Bates/Quinn) Surface waves (IR/polarization imaging)– LDEO (Zappa)? Bubble/aerosol dynamics – SIO (Deane, Stokes)? UAS – NOAA/AOC and PMEL?
PSD Flux System Table 1. Sensors and variable for PSD flux system. Sensors mounted on jackstaff or roof of PSD seatiner. Sensor Variables Sampling rateHeight (m) Gill sonic Wind: U,V,W 10 Hz17.4 Motion Pack 6-component motion 10 Hz17.2 STI ORG Rain rate 0.1Hz, averaged to 1 sample/min15.7 Vaisala HMP235 T/RH 0.1Hz, averaged to 1 sample/min14.7 Licor 7500 Fast CO2 H2O 10 Hz16.6 PSP, PIR Radiometers Solar, IR radiative flux 0.1Hz, averaged to 1 sample/min14.4 Barometer Pressure 0.1Hz, averaged to 1 sample/min13.3 PSD Sea Snake SST 0.1Hz, averaged to 1 sample/min-0.05 to -0.10
Flux Sensors on the Jackstaff
Schedule ETC Ports – Load Honolulu – Unload Newport, OR or Alameda, CA Dates – Start 1 Jan – End 30 days later 6 seatainers (3 AMF2, 2 PMEL) 22 personnel
Table 1. List of CALWATER2 IFO15 PI’s. Chris Ruby LeungDOE Steve RutledgeC-band Tim BatesSea Patricia Grant DeaneOcean Chris ZappaIR imaging, whitecaps
Table 2. List of CALWATER2 Investigator Observing Systems IndexSystemTypeLocationSeatainers A1AMF2 Aerosols, meteorology, radars, lidars 02 Forward3 A2Air-Sea Fluxes Fast turbulence systems, solar/IR radiometers Jackstaff0 A3 AMF2 scanning Radar Precipitation, Doppler velocity scans 02 Forward1 A4 Aerosol Chemistry PMEL systems02 foward2 A5SeaSweep Surface production of aerosols 02 forward. Port side deployment of small tethered buoy. 0 A6 Ocean video/acoustics Bubble population spectra Main aft, deck operations. Deploy and recover bubble sensing package. 0 A7IR and Visible Imagers Whitecaps and thermal surface structure. 03 deck, starboard. Mount video systems. 0