Geometric construction in real-life problem solving Valentyna Pikalova Manfred J. Bauch Ukraine Germany
Theoretical aspects Practical realization
Theoretical aspects Synergy of the two educational strategies Content and structure of a dynamic learning environment Different teaching and learning traditions Interdisciplinary aspects Dynamic mathematics software
Ukrainian side German side Joint work
Ukrainian side Students' worksheets for secondary school geometry course Dynamic learning environments with DG Implementation at Ukrainian schools Intel “Teach to the Future”
German side I –You – We concept Dynamic learning environments with GEONE X T Implementation at German schools Evaluation and feedback
Joint work Synergy of two educational models Dynamic learning environments Joint publications
Step-by-step (real-life) problem-solving tasks strategy (Real-life) problem Geometric model Conjecture Theorem Formalize Construct Investigate Test Deductive proof Analytical solution Generalization
I – YOU – WE I – individual work of the single student You – cooperation with a partner We – communication in the whole class
Synergy 1 IYOUWE Consider a problem + Formalize problem Construct Geometric Model + Test Geometric Model + Investigate + Make a conjecture + Test the conjecture Formulate final result = Theorem Deliver a deductive proof or analytical solution + Try to generalize - discussion between 2 pupils check each other - discussion with the whole class PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGY
Synergy 2 IYOUWE (Real-life) Problem ConsiderDiscussFormalize Geometric Model (GM) Construct GM Test GM Investigate GM Conjecture Make it Test conjecture Discuss. Formulate final result Theorem Deliver a deductive proof or analytical solution Test Conclusion. Try to Generalize PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGY
Practical realization The comparative study of the curricula in Ukraine and Germany Selection of topics for explorative learning environments based on a combination of the two pedagogical- educational models Collect the set of tasks for each topic
Practical realization Consider different types of explorative learning environments Design a learning environment Implementation in German and Ukrainian schools
Dynamic learning environments sequence of HTML pages including text graphics dynamic mathematics applets (GEONExT) collection of the dynamic models in DG
Types of explorative learning environments Getting practical skills for working in dynamic geometry packages in constructing geometrical models Gaining research skills through problem solving Gaining new knowledge through investigation
Example1. Vectors Lesson1 Addition of Vectors. The Parallelogram Rule Lesson 2 Solving Strategies with Vectors
Pedagogical Model I – You – We IYouWe Step-by- Step problem solving strategy first lesson situation 1situation 2situation 3 second lesson situation 4situation 5situation 6
Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Addition of Vectors. The Parallelogram Rule Situation 1 Construct the sum of 2 vectors using the parallelogram rule.
Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Addition of Vectors. The Parallelogram Rule Situation 2.1 Investigate the sum of 2 vectors Make a conjecture about it properties. *Situation 2.2 Repeat the same steps for 3 vectors.
Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Addition of Vectors. The Parallelogram Rule Situation 3 Conclusions *Problem discussion – more general problem construct and investigate the sum of 4, 5, … vectors; create and save new tools the Sum of 2, 3, … vectors by using macroconstructions.
Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Problem Solving Strategies with Vectors Problem: Investigate the position of point O in any given triangle ABC for which the expression is true Situation 4 Construct the given geometric model Construct the sum of 3 vectors Test it
Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Problem Solving Strategies with Vectors Situation 5.1 Investigate the geometric model Investigate the position of the point O Make a conjecture Check it in many cases *Situation 5.2 Deliver deductive proof
Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Problem Solving Strategies with Vectors Situation 6 Final conclusions *Related problems 4 vectors 6 vectors
DG Geometrical Place of points Problem Construct two segments AB and CD on the plane. Point E and F are points on the segments AB and CD respectively. Conjecture about the set of midpoints of the segment EF when dragging points E and F along AB and CD respectively
GEONExT Geometrical Place of points
DG Polygons.TesselationTesselation
GEONExT Polygons.Tessalation
Real-life problem. BoxBox
Thank you! ObDiMat Lehren und Lernen mit dynamischer Mathematik Обучение с динамической математикой Teaching and Learning with dynamic mathematics