Green electricity market development in Europe and the example of Upper Austria Green electricity market development in Europe and the example of Upper Austria ESV-Design030889en O.Ö. Energiesparverband Landstraße 45, A-4020 Linz, Austria T: E: I: Christiane Egger
ESV-Design030889en RES-e electricity in the EU energy from renewables: 6 % (97) electricity from renewables: 14 % (97) electricity from renewables target: 21 % (2010)
Wind & PV markets ESV-Design030889en Country2002Total Share (MW)(MW) (%) Germany3,24711, Spain1,4935, Denmark5302, USA4294, India2201, Netherlands Total EU156,02723, Total7,22732,037100,0 CountryinstalledTotal 2001end 2001 Germany Netherlands Spain France Austria Italy
RES-e Directive (1) Targets (%) RES-e Directive (1) Targets (%) share target Austria Cyprus Belgium1.16.0Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland Hungary France Latvia Germany Lithuania Greece Malta05.0 Ireland Poland Italy Slovak Republic Luxembourg2.15.7Slovenia Netherlands Portugal Spain EU1522 Sweden acceding countries11 UK EU2521 ESV-Design030889en
ESV-Design030889en "RES-e Directive" (2) Promotion of RES-e through: quantified national targets national support scheme simplification of national administrative procedures guaranteed access monitoring of results Directive 2001/77/EC on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market
ESV-Design030889en OPET RES-e Boosting local technology uptake - an OPET action to support the objectives of the RESe Directive Partners: 18 Partners from 13 countries (A, FIN, SL, PL, E, F, CZ, UK, S, B, IN, CN) Coordinator: O.Ö. Energiesparverband Objectives: triggering local implementation of RESe technologies linking policy & technology combining local technology-oriented action with international co-operation fostering a European internal market & a European Research Area
ESV-Design030889en Implementation of the RES-e Directive in Upper Austria Implementation of the RES-e Directive in Upper Austria Share of renewables: increased from 25 % to 30 % (2000) (14 % hydro, 14 % biomass, 2 % solar) Targets for RES-e Guaranteed grid access Simplified permission procedures Mandatory electricity labelling
ESV-Design030889en Funding RES-e: National feed-in tariff & "ÖKOP" Examples Funding RES-e: National feed-in tariff & "ÖKOP" Examples PV: 3,700 /kW investment subsidy biogas: feed-in tariff ( Cent/kWh) & max. 100,000 Euro investment subsidy wind: up to 9.5 Cent/kWh biomass: Cent/kWh small hydro: Cent/kWh & max. 50,000 Euro investment subsidy & energy advice
ESV-Design030889en Examples: Recent RES-e plants in Upper Austria Wind power plant "Vorderweißenbach": 1.8 MW public participation "Froschbergkirche": PV-plant on a church building 50 kW TPF scheme "Biomass CHP plant for Linz": 30 MW biomass CHP plant district heating plant for the capital city of Linz
ESV-Design030889en World Sustainable Energy Days 2004 International conference 3-5 March 2004, Wels/Austria Green Electricity Forum 4-5 March 2004 (OPET event): - overview of recent trends worldwide - presentation of R&D projects & results Other events - European Pellets Conference - Megatrends of Sustainable Energy - Poster Presentation - Exhibition & trade show "Energiesparmesse"