Written by: Interprofessional (IP) Pictionary Presenter: Brenda Zierler, PhD, RN, FAAN University of Washington: Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education, Research and Practice
Objectives Understand how professional roles and responsibilities complement each other Identify health profession based on training requirements, usual practice setting and scope of practice Discuss overlap in scopes of practice and training requirements for various health professions Recognize stereotypes and biases depicted in drawings
Why is it important to know roles and responsibilities?
“…teamwork requires a shared acknowledgement of each participating member’s roles and abilities. Without this acknowledgement, adverse outcomes may arise from a series of seemingly trivial errors that effective teamwork could have prevented.” (Baker et al., 2005b, p. 14)
The Components of a Patient Safety Program Role Clarity, Communication, Values & Ethics
Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Competency Domains Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Report of an expert panel. May, Washington, D.C. Interprofessional Education Collaborative.
IPEC Competency Domain: “Role Clarity and Responsibility” Use the knowledge of one’s own role and those of other professions to appropriately assess and address the healthcare needs of the patients and populations served. IPEC Report, 2011
Stereotyping related to professional roles, demographic & cultural differences affect the health professions Stereotypes help create ideas about a profession’s worth known as “disparity diversity” (Edmondson & Roloff, 2009), eroding mutual respect. Inaccurate perceptions about diversity prevent professions from taking advantage of the full scope of abilities that working together offers to improve health care. Role Clarity and Responsibility Stereotyping and Biases
RR1. Communicate one’s roles and responsibilities clearly to patients, families, and other professionals. RR2. Recognize one’s limitations in skills, knowledge, and abilities. RR3. Engage diverse healthcare professionals who complement one’s own professional expertise, as well as associated resources, to develop strategies to meet specific patient care needs. RR4. Explain the roles and responsibilities of other care providers and how the team works together to provide care. RR5. Use the full scope of knowledge, skills, and abilities IPEC Competency Domain: Role Clarity and Responsibility- specific
Role clarity leads to better utilization of individual health care workers, improved communication, reduced error, and enhanced delivery of patient care. (Meuser et al., 2006)
Roles Across Professions Expert Medicine CommunicatorNursing EducatorPharmacy AdvocatePhysical Therapy ProfessionalDentistry CollaboratorSocial Work ManagerPublic Health LeaderPhysician Assistant
“We may look in the same direction, even at the ‘same lines’, and not see what our colleagues sees.” (McKee, 2003)
Interprofessional Pictionary As a team, decide who the health care professional is based on information provided Draw a representation of the health care professional without using letters or numbers Be prepared to share how everyone has contributed to the drawing After each team finishes drawing, the other teams should guess the profession prior to discussion
IP Pictionary: Reflection What assumptions am I making? Where did I learn these values? What values/beliefs orient me? How might someone whose role is different than mine look at this? Why do I feel threatened when I am challenged on this? (McKee, 2003)
Interprofessional Pictionary Acknowledgements: IP Pictionary Game developed by Maria Tassone at the Educating Health Professionals for Interprofessional Care, University of Toronto (Ehpic 2011 Certificate Course) Edited and revised as Faculty Development Toolkit to teach IPE Competency Domain: role clarity by the University of Washington Macy Grant Team Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice (IPEC, 2011)