Howdy Partner! 2011
New England Library Association 2011 Annual Conference Burlington Vermont
Link to Presentation
Today We Will Discuss Motivations to partner Types of partnerships Qualities of successful partnerships Case studies Hear your partnership stories
Mounting Pressure for Collaboration Across the country partnerships are a growing trend Elected officials expect them/duplication of waste and resources RFP’s include in strategic planning goals Public and private sector opportunities
Partnership Potential Collaboration with other libraries – Programming – Purchasing/licensing – Technology – Collection development – Marketing and pr – Shared spaces – Staff and board training – Grant applications
Public Sector Partnerships Other county or local agencies Local government councils Educational institutions/literacy organizations Economic/work force development
Private Sector Partnerships Health care Technology companies Financial institutions Retailers
Libraries Need Partners Solve problems Apply for grants Increase customers and influence Gain support and trust Share expertise and limited resources Obtain feedback Create new resources and services
Library Partners Provide… New customers from entire population Access to considerable expertise Numerous resources Trusted and valued agency
Be Selective Should support strategic goals Shared mission Complimentary/not duplication Good reputation Has resources Understand win/win
Tenants of Strategic Partnering Library values partnerships All sectors of community have viable candidates Valid reason for entering into partnership Formal, well-managed process Developed across organization Process in place for regular review and assessment
Importance of Signed Agreement Signals serious commitment Agreement at senior management level Defines terms, roles, purpose, responsibilities, financial obligations Anticipates changes in staffing
The Relationship Glance, Date, Engagement, Or Marriage?
Born to Read: Case Study Goal: Help families raise children with healthy minds and bodies Connection to health care agencies is a natural
Nurse-Family Partnership Nurses make home visits for 2 years to first-time, low-income mothers to help them succeed Nurses use our Born to Read Calendar as a teaching tool
Pinnacle Health Harrisburg Childbirth education class for lower income, at-risk families Goal: provide positive prenatal experience Born to Read is a regular part of this class. It’s never too early to read to a baby!
Housing Project Health Center Prescription book program Library provided all materials Center provided little feedback or staff continuity for library Library continued and adapted to their shortcomings
Ups and Downs Some agencies fluctuate due to staff changes Agencies change priorities Funding changes Cultural differences in deadlines, pace of work, etc.
A joint production of Schlow Centre Region Library and the Central PA Festival of the Arts.
Success Is… Personal relationships Community visibility Clear expectations Good communications Keep others in loop Fluid evolution Win/Win Situation
Let’s Talk School and Library Partnerships Broad public support School libraries endangered species Sounds Good/Hard to Execute Different cultures/missions Different policies/rules Successful with classroom teachers/school librarians Often no support at the top Short term/no long term vision
The Possibilities Resource sharing Joint programming/book discussion groups Homework support Promotion summer reading Joint use of technology Community service projects Outreach to schools w. inadequate resources
Support School Librarians Faculty in-service and training Write copy for school newspapers and websites Respect when they say no Supplement their efforts Engage in professional dialogue
Making Connections Volunteer at school events Back to school nights PTA Literacy nights Kindergarten registration
Good Partners Communicate regularly – dept meetings, district meetings, deliveries Collaborate – link websites, professional development, assignment alerts Distribute and share materials & information
Partnerships Stumble Staff changes Different cultures Mistaken expectations Loss of energy Unforeseen events There will always be EBB and FLOW
Partnership Success Define need, project, roles Work “with” not “for” your partner Plan enough time and resources Communicate and reassess frequently Find the right person(s) Keep board/staff/Friends in loop It’s a learning experience!
Your Stories????
See Ya Later, Partner!