Strategies for Efficient Scoring Jeanne Stone, UC Irvine PACT Conference October 22, 2009
PACT Conference 10/21/09 Additions to Scorer Training Introduce Specialized Vocabulary. Create specific evidence that would support rubric. Connect rubric to commentary prompts. Reading task specifically to find evidence. Assigning TE to scorers by grade level or common topic
PACT Conference 10/21/09 Specialized Vocabulary Pull out specialized vocabulary from rubric and commentary. Create classroom examples of vocabulary. Do activity during training to match vocabulary and classroom examples. Best when done with both primary and upper examples (or content specific examples like life and physical sciences or algebra and geometry)
PACT Conference 10/21/09 PLANNING: ESTABLISHING A BALANCED INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS EM1:How do the plans structure students’ development of conceptual understanding, computational/procedural fluency, and mathematical reasoning skills? Learning tasks or the set of assessment tasks focus on multiple dimensions of mathematics learning through clear connections among computations/procedures, concepts, and reasoning/problem solving strategies. A progression of learning tasks and assessments is planned to build understanding of the central focus of the learning segment.
PACT Conference 10/21/09 Creating Evidence Assign small groups a specific level 2 rubric (EM2). Create a classroom context. Groups create sample evidence that would support rubric. Share rubric evidence with group. This can be done during training section by section or all section can be done at the beginning.
PACT Conference 10/21/09 INSTRUCTION: MONITORING STUDENT LEARNING DURING INSTRUCTION EM5:How does the candidate monitor student learning during instruction and respond to student questions, comments, and needs? The candidate monitors student understanding by eliciting student responses that require mathematical reasoning or problem solving strategies. Candidate responses represent reasonable attempts to improve student understanding of mathematical concepts and discourse.
PACT Conference 10/21/09 Connecting Rubric to Commentary Read commentary prompts. Read the rubric. Map where to look in commentary to find rubric evidence. Primary Sources of Information for Each Rubric handout
PACT Conference 10/21/09 Instruction Commentary Other than what is stated in the lesson plan(s), what occurred immediately prior to and after the video clip(s) that is important to know in order to understand and interpret the interactions between and among you and your students? Please provide any other information needed to interpret the events and interactions in the video clip(s) Describe any routines or working structures of the class (e.g., group work roles, class discussion norms) that were operating in the learning task(s) seen on the video clip(s). If specific routines or working structures are new to the students, how did you prepare students for them? In the instruction seen in the clip(s), how did you further the students ’ knowledge and skills and engage them intellectually in understanding mathematical concepts and participating in mathematical discourse? Provide examples of both general strategies to address the needs of all of your students and strategies to address specific individual needs. Given the language abilities of your students as described in Task 1. Context for Learning, provide examples of language supports seen in the clips that help your students understand the content and/or academic language central to the lesson. Describe the strategies you used to monitor student learning during the learning task shown on the video clip(s). Cite one or two examples of what students said and/or did in the video clip(s) or in assessments related to the lesson that indicated their progress toward accomplishing the lesson ’ s learning objectives.
PACT Conference 10/21/09 Reading Task to Find Evidence When reading each section, focus on the evidence needed to support the rubric. Create a note sheet to record rubric specific evidence.
PACT Conference 10/21/09 Assigning Scorers When assigning scorers consider: –Same or close grade level –Similar topics (geometry, fractions, etc) Lesson Plans –Standardized across program –Specific areas with ties to TE –Detailed step-by-step lesson planning