Accelerating the Smart Grid Globally
orchestrates the work behind power grid modernization
Identify requirements for interoperability ◦ Evaluate technology standards & gaps Influence how the electric grid is modernized Access collected knowledge of all the domains in the Smart Grid ecosystem to accelerate interoperability, testing, & certification Educate government agencies, regulators, operators and suppliers on the value of an interoperable Smart Grid
The modernized electrical power grid is expanding SGIP eases Smart Grid growing pains by ◦ Gathering, documenting customers’ requirements ◦ Engaging all stakeholders to identify and solve critical problems ◦ Encouraging practical implementations ◦ Overseeing the path to interoperability through linking Smart Grid hardware, software and systems
Optimizes resources and time Avoids proprietary vendor lock-in Helps build technology roadmaps Simplifies decision making SGIP is a collaborative, transparent, and trusted forum to share standards information and practical, hands-on knowledge about deployments from industry experts.
Integration of Distributed Energy Resources with existing electrical grid in each country Microgrid control and operation use cases Cybersecurity Risk Management Process Harmonizing weather information models Identifying interoperability gaps around the nexus of Energy, Water, and Environmental issues
Proprietary standards or country-specific standards are costly barriers for vendors to overcome ◦ May eliminate lower cost solutions ◦ Reduces innovation from new market entrants Lack of knowledge of the benefits from adopting standards to drive interoperable solutions
Liaisons with several other country organizations to align Smart Grid architecture models and coordinate ◦ Korea Smart Grid Standardization Forum (KSGSF) ◦ Japan Smart Community Alliance (JSCA) ◦ European Union Smart Grid Coordination Group (SG-CG ) ◦ Ecuadorian Energy National Control Centre (CENACE) ◦ Colombia lnteligente lniciative (CII) and ICONTEC ◦ National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology of Brazil (Inmetro) SGIP International Activities Committee
Work Products Membership Domain Expert Working Groups (DEWGs) Priority Action Plans (PAPs) Standing Member Committees Standing Member Committees Architecture Cybersecurity Implementation Methods Testing & Certification Building to Grid Home to Grid Industry to Grid Business & Policy Vehicle to Grid Distributed Renewables, Generation & Storage Distributed Renewables, Generation & Storage Wireless Comm - 02 Energy Storage Interconnect - 07 Distribution Grid Mgmt - 08 Standard DR & DER Signals - 09 Map IEEE 1815 to IEC Wind Plant Comm - 16 Power Line Comm - 15 Facility Smart Grid Info Std - 17 Wholesale Demand Response - 19 Green Button ESPI Evolution - 20 EV Fueling Submetering - 22 Weather Info - 21 Conceptual Models & Roadmaps Requirements Use Cases Whitepapers Standards Evaluations Catalog of Standards Transmission & Distribution SGIP Member Groups
Patrick Gannon President & Executive Director SGIP 2.0 Thank you! For more info: Patrick Gannon President & Executive Director SGIP