Islamic Note Cards Literature Caitlin Balmer Will Herman Ian MacDonald CB
Background Information Source 3 QP. 108 Muslim writers commonly used poetry, essays, and anecdotes to communicate their ideas. The literary traditions of these groups, many of which were based on ancient cultures and languages. CB
Background Information Source 3 SP. 109 Now during the modern age, literature from the Islamic world has been introduced and has encountered new genres and themes. For instance they were introduced to drama, screenplays, and novels. CB
Background Information Source 3 SP. 108 Throughout the Muslim religion, literature has always played an important role in society. The Islamic world did not write of novels, short stories, and dramas (like the west) until modern times. CB
BackgroundSource 3 Q P.112 The Islamic Literature (specifically Turkish literature) developed 2 different paths, divan literature, popular among upper class. Folk Literature, popular among the common people. CB
BackgroundSource 4 S Islamic Literature is not very well known in the west. The Koran and Arabian Nights are the 2 most popular Arabic literatures. This unfamiliarity is due to that Islamic literature is written in many languages that are hard to translate. CB
Poetry Source 4 S Difficulty of translation was especially true in poetry. Poetry in the Islamic world incorporated traditional, and distinctive forms of style which are very hard to translate. CB
BackgroundSource 3 S P The Islamic world is made up of many different areas including Persia, Turkey, Urdu, and Africa. All of which had major effects on the development of Islamic Literature. CB
Arabian NightsME Literature QP.13 Betrayed by his unfaithful queen, a king takes a new bride everyday and, to prevent her betrayal, executes her the next morning. One bride determined to put a stop to this, diverts him from his plan with stories for 1001 nights until he is convinced of her fidelity. CB
BackgroundWKST Contributions SP.210 Western Literature learned a lot from the Arabs. Arab traditions can be found in many different forms of western literature. CB
PoetrySource 3 SP.111 Poetry in the Islamic world wrote works expressing they're inspiration and love for god. They used imagery to convey their love for god including wine and drinking. CB
Literary TypesSource 8 Q Together with the sayings, actions, and recommendations of Muhammad, the Qur'an has been the ultimate source of legal authority for Muslims over the past fourteen centuries. CB
Literary TypesSource 8 Q There is, however, another aspect of the Qur'an which has received far less attention than its theological and legislative guidance, namely its linguistic significance, for the Qur'an was undoubtedly the first book to be composed in Arabic CB
Literary TypesSource 8 Q Before the rise of Islam, Arabic was mainly a spoken language with an oral literature of elaborate poetry and, to a lesser extent, prose. CB
Islamic and Arab ContributionsSource 8 Q Islam and the Qur'an helped to open new horizons and fields of study which included such disciplines as philology, Islamic law (the sharia), and Islamic philosophy. The Qur'an also introduced a host of new themes and linguistic forms not only to the Arabic language but to the Arab mind as well. CB
Qur’an Source 8 Q In its external form the Qur'an is neither poetry nor prose. It is not poetry because it does not observe the metre and rhyme of poetry, and it is not prose because it is not composed in the same manner in which prose was customarily composed. CB
Source Numbers Source 3 – The Islamic World Source 4 – Arabian Nights Source 8 – Islam, the Qur’an and the Arabic Literature Source 11 – Arab contributions to western civilizations Source 12 – Arabian Nights CB