Climate & Geography North Africa has a primarily desert and semi-arid climate, which means there is little to no rainfall in the area. The climate doesn’t allow for very much vegetation. Soil in the area is poor. The best vegetation occurs around rainy coastal areas along valley floors of rivers.
When it rains the regions deltas, rivers, oases, and wadis are subject to seasonal flooding which deposits rich silt for farming. Rainfall and Flooding
The northernmost region of the African continent is separated from the rest of Africa by the Sahara Desert. Sahara Desert The Sahara Desert stretches over most of North Africa, it is the world’s largest dry desert.
Even though this is a dry area, water plays a very large role. There are several large bodies of water which play a major role in world politics. The region’s MOST PRECIOUS resource.
The Nile is the main source of water for Egypt. All of the population lives along the Nile River valley. It is the only river that runs south to north. Nile River
Atlas Mountains Northern Morocco & Algeria
It is a transportation corridor located in Egypt. It enhanced shipping routes in the region. Suez Canal
Aswan High Dam Positive Effects Controls flooding Recreation areas Power Negative Effects Land losing fertility Lost homes when built
Algeria – P PP Parliamentary Republic Egypt –In transition Libya –In transition Morocco – C CC Constitutional Monarchy Tunisia – R RR Republic Governments
Economy The area has a heavy reliance on primary economic activities such as oil drilling and agriculture.
The area is the home of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Many countries are still members. Large oil revenues - major producers of world’s oil. Positive Effects Jobs Revenue Position of power Negative Effects Reliance on one industry Pollution Unequal distribution of wealth
Trade has been important to the region from the earliest time. Today regional conflicts and political unrest have affected trade and tourism. The area today has contemporary trade routes (sea lanes).Trade
Cairo, Egypt – is a major center for trade and culture because of its location in the middle of North Africa and Southwest Asia. City Center of Trade and Culture
Cultural Characteristics The area has experienced rapid urbanization, moving or changing from country to city. Most modernization has centered around urban areas, while the traditional lifestyle has continued in the rural, the country area or lifestyle, areas.
The population is generally unevenly distributed due to the environment and resources.Population A large percent of the population is under the age 15 due to conflict, disease, and the hardships associated with the region.
Languages In Northern Africa, language is an extremely important cultural feature that is often linked to religion.
Arabic Is the official language spoken in most countries in North Africa. It spread through the area because of the Islamic religion. There are dialect differences between the North African countries. ديانا
Berber It is still spoken by some Moroccans, Algerians, and Libyans. Is the language of the native people (Berbers) in the area before Arabic was spread through Islam. Ramses II
Languages by Country Algeria - Arabic, French, Berber Egypt - Arabic, English, French (widely understood by educated classes) Libya - Arabic, Berber, Italian, English (widely understood in major cities) Morocco - Arabic, Berber, French (often used for business & government), Spanish, English Tunisia - Arabic, French (business)
Religion North Africa and S.W. Asia are the birthplace to 3 major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Religions by Country Algeria -Islam 99% Christianity and Judaism 1% Egypt -Islam 90% Coptic 9% Christianity 1% Other 6% Libya -Islam 97% Morocco - Islam 98% Christianity 1% Judaism and other 1% Tunisia -Islam 98% Christianity 1% Judaism and other 1%
Since 1949, the region has been in conflict over the area known as the West Bank and Gaza. This area was once PALESTINE and is present day ISRAEL. Religious Conflict
Great variation in the standard of living in the region. It ranges from the relatively high to the poverty stricken. Standard of Living
Bedouins - desert dwellers in Arabic. Bedouins/ Nomadic Lifestyle Many cultures have been traditionally nomadic. Today, many nomads have settled, but there are still some in the region. NOMADS – people who follow a food source from place to place never settling down.
Cultural Landscape Oil rigs in Libya Pyramids in Cairo, Egypt Walled cities in Morocco Mosques - minarets (architectural feature) Bazaars – Souks (marketplaces)
The art of the region reflects the diversity of the religions: Art Stained glass Prayer rug Geometric tiles Calligraphy Mosaics