Language Extinction
Language Demographics There are approximately 6,700 current spoken languages Since 1900, 600 have been languages lost 2400 languages are endangered, primarily those spoken by small indigenous groups of people 155 out of 175 are “moribund” in United States 95% of the world population speak 100 languages 45% world population speak Top 5 languages, referred to as “killer” languages
More Demographics 50-90% of current languages are projected to be lost during 21 st century leaving only approximately 600 languages 2/3 of world’s children are becoming bilingual 44%+ of world’s online population doesn’t use English
Top 10 World Languages Chinese Billion English.508 Hindustani.497 Spanish.392 Russian.277 Arabic.246 Bengali.211 Portuguese.191 Malay-Indonesian.159 French.129
Possible Causes for Language Extinction Colonization Repressive governments Attrition or assimilation of isolated cultures by modern cultures Economic and political conflict/alliances Consumerism through homogenizing corporate and/or artistic western influence World globalization through new technologies and telecommunications Human disease Genocide
Prevention of Language Extinction Dictionaries for translation Bilingual educational programs and teacher training Free lessons in public and private sector Recording dying languages Indigenous language movements
Some Visuals K. David Harrison Dying Language Expert re=relatedhttp:// re=related Endangered Languages in Europe 1http:// 1 Navaho Language Schools =relatedhttp:// =related