PARENT EDUCATION SERIES #1: THE SHIFT IN ELEMENTARY MATH INSTRUCTION Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Willow Grove Elementary School
Welcome! Introductions Mrs. Melissa Watters, 2 nd Grade Teacher Mr. Patrick McQueeney, Principal Intended Focus Introduction to Parent Education Series The Shift in Elementary Math Instruction
Parent Education Series A collection of nights (one each month until June) that highlight various topics in education that will impact your child during their time at Willow Grove Upcoming Topics The Shift in Math Instruction (tonight) How We Teach Great Writers H.I.B. and Student Relationships S.T.E.M. (Science Technology Engineering and Math) Cultural Differences in the American Education System Summer Reading/Summer Enrichment
The Shift in Math Instruction Greater Focus on Fewer Topics Coherence: Linking topics and thinking across grades Rigor: Pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application with equal intensity
OLD School vs. NEW School Race to cover multitude of concepts in curriculum Disconnected topics divided amongst grade levels Focus on independent math skills More time on fewer concepts (FOCUS) Interconnected, logical progressions of concepts from grade to grade (COEHERENCE) Focus on conceptual understanding, the skills, and application (RIGOR) OLD SCHOOLNEW SCHOOL
A Math Problem – OLD SCHOOL
A Math Problem – NEW SCHOOL = ??? = 20 = 30 = 32 = 17 SAME ANSWER, DIFFERENT STRATEGIES !!
“Common” Common Core Misconception Common Core = NEW School WRONG!! Common Core = OLD School AND NEW School
Math in Action at Willow Grove OLD School Emphasis on Math Facts Math Wizards Grades 1-4 NEW School Common Core Aligned Resources Expose students to multiple strategies to solve math problems Connect problem solving to real life applications (word problems)
Common Core Math for YOU! Mrs. Melissa Watters, 2 nd Grade Teacher Math Problem Solving Strategies and Techniques Math Games to Support Learning
QUESTIONS?? Thank you for coming!!