Evaluating Student Growth Looking at student works samples to evaluate for both CCSS- Math Content and Standards for Mathematical Practice.


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluating Student Growth Looking at student works samples to evaluate for both CCSS- Math Content and Standards for Mathematical Practice

Warming UP You are going to introduce yourself: State you name And associate your name with an item you would pack to go on a trip and place you would like to go. EX: “My name is Sue, I would pack some glue to visit Katmando.”

Goals for Today Be able to score student tasks based on rubrics from Smarter Balanced Assessment system for both the CCSS content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice Know where to locate sources of tasks that reveal student understanding Prepare a plan to share information with your school staff in the Fall (Lunch provided 11:30-12:30)

5 The Data Pyramid: What Kind of Data Do Teachers Use? How Often? Formative classroom assessments Formative common assessments Benchmark/interim common assessments Data about people, practices, perceptions Summative assessments Daily 1-4 times a month Quarterly or end of the unit 2-4 times a year Annually Adapted from N. Love, K. E. Stiles, S. Mundry, and K. DiRanna, The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students: Unleashing the Power of Collaborative Inquiry, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, All rights reserved.

Variety of definitions and questions about student growth Purpose today is to give common conceptual framework and working vocabulary TPEP definition of student growth (learning): The change in student achievement between two points in time. 6 Student Growth – Shared Meaning

Evidence of Growth Characteristics of good evidence: Clear targets Alignment of measure(s) to target Consistent, reliable measurement Minimal measurement error Valid inference So, back to pyramid, where would you want evidence generated? 7

8 The Data Pyramid: What Kind of Data Do Teachers Use? How Often? Formative classroom assessments Formative common assessments Benchmark/interim common assessments Data about people, practices, perceptions Summative assessments Daily 1-4 times a month Quarterly or end of the unit 2-4 times a year Annually Adapted from N. Love, K. E. Stiles, S. Mundry, and K. DiRanna, The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students: Unleashing the Power of Collaborative Inquiry, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, All rights reserved.

Defining Key Terms Student Achievement: The status of subject-matter knowledge, understandings, and skills at one point in time. Student Growth (Learning): The growth in subject-matter knowledge, understandings, and skill over time. 9 It is student growth, not student achievement, that is relevant in demonstrating impacts teachers and principals have on students.

Alignment Considerations Assessments should cover key subject and grade-level content standards. No items, questions, or prompts should cover standards that the course does not address. The assessment structure should mirror the distribution of teaching time devoted to course content. The cognitive demands of the assessment should match the full range of cognitive thinking required by the standards 10

Establishing Student Growth Goals Goals measure “a change in student achievement between two points in time” RCW28A AND Focus on important learning within the scope of the teacher’s responsibility 11

FOCUS-content focus by grade

Alignment Considerations A ssessments should cover key subject and grade-level content standards. N o items, questions, or prompts should cover standards that the course does not address. T he assessment structure should mirror the distribution of teaching time devoted to course content. T he cognitive demands of the assessment should match the full range of cognitive thinking required by the standards 13

Making Sense of the Task Complete the task as though you are a student and think about misconceptions that might arise. Think about other ways students might solve the problem.

Alignment Considerations Assessments should cover key subject and grade-level content standards. No items, questions, or prompts should cover standards that the course does not address. The assessment structure should mirror the distribution of teaching time devoted to course content. The cognitive demands of the assessment should match the full range of cognitive thinking required by the standards 16

Depth of Knowledge (DOK)

Cognitive Demand (DOK) What is the DOK level of the task? What is the DOK level of the standard the task represents?

Which Standards for Mathematical Practice will be reinforced with this task?

Scoring Student Work

Connecting tasks to the rubrics Content Rubric – Focuses on a specific cluster for the task

23 SBAC Achievement Level Descriptor (ALD)Rubric – Focus on Claim 3 broadly Review the rubrics and consider what a response might look like based on the task you completed.

Anchoring Yourself in Student Work Look at the 3 anchor papers associated with your task. Discuss as a group: – What Content score does this student demonstrate? – What SBAC ALD score does this student demonstrate?

25 Review the official scores for your papers and annotated notes. -What further clarification do you need?

Data-driven Differentiation & InterventionFollow-UpInstructionStudentResults Extension Activities Re- Engagement Activities Prerequisite Skills Activities StudentAssessment Initial Core Instruction Below Standard Met Standard Well Below Standard Formative Assessment

Discussion: When you first give the task to your students it is a pre-test. You want to give it to them without any prior instruction but to emphasize with the students that they probably won’t know how to do this, the information will help you teach them. What knowledge do your students need to be successful on this task? How will you help your students gain this knowledge during the course of instruction prior to the post-test?

Focusing on Student Learning – If these three students were in your class What patterns did you observe about the students’ work as a whole? What common misconceptions did you notice? What experiences do you need to provide your students with this year?

Administering the Tasks Cold These tasks will be used as a baseline Please do not give any prior instruction, it is very important that your students demonstrate what they know at this time This data will be used as a baseline—it is more important that your students grow from this baseline, than do well at this first administration.

Pre-Test/Post-Test After several months of instruction the students would complete the same task and be scored with the same rubrics. Teachers then complete the Post-Test form to make sense of the data.

Meaningful Tasks and Connections

Thinking Through a Lesson Successfully Implementing High-Level Tasks Save the Last Word for Me Protocol

Share with the rest of us What is a significant idea you discussed with your group to share with the rest of us?


Development of the Rubrics

“Students can demonstrate progress toward college and career readiness in mathematics.” “Students can demonstrate college and career readiness in mathematics.” “Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency.” “Students can solve a range of complex well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies.” “Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others.” “Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.” Overall Claim for Grades 3-8 Overall Claim for Grade 11 Claim #1 - Concepts & Procedures Claim #2 - Problem Solving Claim #3 - Communicating Reasoning Claim #4 - Modeling and Data Analysis Claims for the Mathematics Summative Assessment

“Students can demonstrate progress toward college and career readiness in mathematics.” “Students can demonstrate college and career readiness in mathematics.” “Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency.” “Students can solve a range of complex well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies.” “Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others.” “Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.” Overall Claim for Grades 3-8 Overall Claim for Grade 11 Claim #1 - Concepts & Procedures Claim #2 - Problem Solving Claim #3 - Communicating Reasoning Claim #4 - Modeling and Data Analysis Claims for the Mathematics Summative Assessment

“Students can demonstrate progress toward college and career readiness in mathematics.” “Students can demonstrate college and career readiness in mathematics.” “Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency.” “Students can solve a range of complex well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies.” “Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others.” “Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.” Overall Claim for Grades 3-8 Overall Claim for Grade 11 Claim #1 - Concepts & Procedures Claim #2 - Problem Solving Claim #3 - Communicating Reasoning Claim #4 - Modeling and Data Analysis Claims for the Mathematics Summative Assessment

“Students can demonstrate progress toward college and career readiness in mathematics.” “Students can demonstrate college and career readiness in mathematics.” “Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency.” “Students can solve a range of complex well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies.” “Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others.” “Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.” Overall Claim for Grades 3-8 Overall Claim for Grade 11 Claim #1 - Concepts & Procedures Claim #2 - Problem Solving Claim #3 - Communicating Reasoning Claim #4 - Modeling and Data Analysis Claims for the Mathematics Summative Assessment

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Scoring for the Standards for Mathematical Practice

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Creating a Scoring Rubric

3/14/2012OSPI- Assessment and Student Information51

Selecting a Task and Designing Your Own Rubric 3/14/2012OSPI- Assessment and Student Information53


Resources Rich Tasks SBAC Sample Items assessments/ assessments/ Mars ESD 112 Website

Your Plan for Sharing Information