Presented by: Jesús Lau / Director, USBI-VER Library, y Coordinator Biblioteca Virtual UV Universidad Veracruzana Boca del Río, Veracruz, México / Facebook jesuslau / Twitter jesuslau Flickr jesuslau An introduction to IFLA By Jennefer Nicholson, IFLA Secretary General
IFLA is the trusted global voice of the library and information community, and drives equitable access to information and knowledge for all Ellen Tise, IFLA President Presidential Theme: Libraries Driving Access to Knowledge
IFLA is: International NGO based in The Hague. Active since 1927 Member based The leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. Over 1500 Members in 151 countries Purpose: - Promote high standards of provision and delivery of library and information services - Encourage widespread understanding of the value of good library & information services - Represent the interests of our members throughout the world
IFLA Organisational Structure Membership Sections (Standing Committees) & Special Interest Groups 5 Division Leadership Forums Governing Board General Assembly Various committees & working groups Professional Committee in good standing constitute the elect president + 10 GB members
44 Sections covering Library Types Library Collections Library Services Support of the Profession Regions 11 Special Interest Groups
The Core Activities: FAIFE Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression CLM Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters ALP Action for Development through Libraries Programme PAC Preservation and Conservation UNIMARC Maintenance and development of the Universal MARC format ICADS IFLA-CDNL Alliance for Digital Standards
Freedom Equity Inclusion Global Arena
The work of IFLA is supported by: IFLA Headquarters (includes offices for CLM, FAIFE and ALP) hosted by: The Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, Netherlands Regional Office for Africa, hosted by: The University of South Africa, Pretoria Regional Office for Asia and Oceania, hosted by: National Library Board Singapore Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, hosted by: Biblioteca Pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
The work of IFLA is supported by: Language Centre for Arabic, hosted by: Bibliotheca Alexandrina Language Centre for Chinese, hosted by: National Library of China Language Centre for French (in Africa), hosted by: Central Library of Cheikh Anta Diop University Language Centre for Russian hosted by: Russian State Library
Our Members are our Intellectual Capital: New Professional Structure in Members from 151 countries 1: Europe: 704 Members 2: Northern America: 282 Members 3: Asia & Oceania: 261 Members 4: Africa: 128 Members 5: Latin America & Car.: 92 Members
Strategic Approach A holistic and integrated approach to IFLA’s roles and activities and planning President’s theme and programme Raising awareness of IFLA and what it stands for Building fruitful and mutually beneficial partnerships Strengthening IFLA as an organization Some ways in which we are doing this…..
Strategic Approach Strategic Plan New Vision Statement IFLA is the trusted global voice of the library and information community, and drives equitable access to information and knowledge for all
Strategic Approach 4 Strategic Directions: Empowering libraries to enable their user communities to have equitable access to information; Building the strategic capacity of IFLA and that of its members; Transforming the profile and the standing of the profession; Representing the interests of IFLA’s members and their users throughout the world
Highlights 2010 ALP relocated to HQ –emphasis on capacity-building –New strategies for project / training funding –ALP administer FAIFE & CLM training workshops –Better co-ordination of IFLA’s development activities
Highlights 2010 project grant funding until 2012 through partnership agreement with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Stichting IFLA Foundation (SIF) grant to FAIFE for advocacy projects SIF grant to CLM for research projects SIF funding for WLIC attendance grants New funding partnership opportunities being developed
Highlights 2010 Partnerships to extend IFLA ’ s reach and influence 2010 Presidential meeting in Stellenbosch – Libraries driving access to knowledge Together with Africa Section and MLA Section mid-meetings and workshops WIPO – Exceptions and limitations – formulating the library community’s position [eIFL, LCA] WIPO – Treaty for the Visually Impaired – with World Blind Union and other groups IPA/IFFRO/WIPO/IFLA/National Diet Library - joint symposium Enhancing the culture of reading in the digital age, Tokyo (December) FAIFE/Globethics working on Code of Ethics for international librarianship Blue Shield (ICBS) partnership for documentary recovery and training in Haiti €100,000 + in partner grants for delegates to attend IFLA WLIC
Highlights 2010 Activities to enable Members to become advocates 2010 Building Strong Library Associations (BSLA) programme launched at WLIC 2010 Cameroon, Lebanon and Peru selected for the programme Ukraine, Lithuania, Botswana selected by BMGF as part of their Global Libraries Initiative Impact assessment of sustainability introduced to projects MLAS programme with African library associations to coincide with Presidential Meeting in Stellenbosch – a model for future activities
Highlights 2010 Activities to enable Members to become advocates 2010 ALP – 7 projects funded in the first round; second round applications close October Transparency and Public Access to Health workshops being planned Library Statistics for Advocacy training package piloted at QQML library statistics conference Copyright for Library Associations to be piloted at SCECSAL in Botswana December Possible partnership with UNESCO Information for All Programme on Information Literacy indicators Revising Internet Manifesto learning materials For 2011 – develop Multicultural Library Manifesto training package
IFLA World Library and Information Congress
San Juan, Puerto Rico Helsinki, Finland 2013 – Asia and Oceania Region: location to be announced August 2011! See you there!!!
Thank you for your attention ! Any questions?.... International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions