Emerging Computer Applications th Anniversary of the British Computer Society Celebrating the 1957 to 2007
Emerging Computer Applications th Anniversary of the Sussex Branch of the British Computer Society Also the 1967 to 2007
Thanks to our Sponsors Sponsoring Students: –University of Brighton Professor David Arnold –J. P. Morgan Sponsoring Everybody as Conference Host: –University of Sussex Informatics Department : Professor John Carroll
Introduction A brief framework for the conference theme
50 years on who would have guessed? The original title Things that have emerged from ideas to practical applications 50 years ago electronic computers were technically a practical proposition 40 years ago saw the beginning of the spread of computing from specialist to more general usage. The realisation that a new Technology for Information processing was emerging
50 years on who would have guessed? The original title Exciting things that have emerged from early ideas into practical applications 50 years ago electronic computers were technically a practical proposition 40 years ago saw the beginning of the spread of computing from specialist to more general usage. The realisation that a new Technology for Information processing was emerging
50 years on who would have guessed? The original title Things that have emerged from ideas to practical applications 50 years ago electronic computers were technically a practical proposition 40 years ago saw the beginning of the spread of computing from specialist to a more general usage. The realisation that a new Technology for Information processing was emerging
50 years on who would have guessed? The original title Things that have emerged from ideas to practical applications 50 years ago electronic computers were technically a practical proposition 40 years ago saw the beginning of the spread of computing from specialist to a more general usage. The realisation that a new Technology for Information processing was emerging
An Information Processing or Modelling Classification Space Representing Information Languages, Mathematics, Graphics, Scale and Analogue Models Design and Production Using Models in the Design Process Applying both A and B to producing new products and services The Scientific Method Empirical Studies to Find the best models to represent the physical world A C B (1967)
Information or Data Processing? Processing Information by Manipulating its Representation Automatic Symbolic Data Processing New Technology
Representation Levels Image Data v Language Data Requires Human Intervention or Artificial Intelligence Man - Machine Systems Computer Aided Systems Autonomous Systems
Information Flow System Environment Physical Machine Actuators & Robots People Natural Language Organisation Computer System Measure Control Perception Action Language Graphics Remote Sensing Machine Vision Symbolic Data Command Data Analogue Data Motion Introducing a new technology changes patterns of work The task is to maintain flows of information
Information System Hierarchy Programmable Hardware + Language translators & Operating Systems Computer Systems + Communication & Parallel Processing Networked & Distributed Systems + Remote Sensing & Automatic Data Capture & Storage Information Systems + Feedback & Control Management & Control Systems + Mobility & Articulated Motion Robots & Autonomous Systems + Manufacture & Repair Self-Replicating Autonomous Systems
Causes of Change The Nature of Information Storage –Text and Graphics to Digital New Modes of Communication –Interactive Interfaces –Conversational & Animated Graphics, Machine Vision –Speech Synthesis and Recognition Digital Convergence –Economic forces maximising data availability and use
Evolution of Communication Eyes Ears Vision Hearing Graphics & Text Spoken Language & Music Computer Aided Design Computer Graphics Geometric Modelling Sculpture Cave painting Hieroglyphics & Cuneiform Roman Alphabet & Numerals Murals Printing Musical Notation Arabic Numerals Natural Languages Singing Dance Television Photography Algebra Radio Classical Music & Opera Telephone Gramophone Painting Drawing Geometry Technical Drawing Engraving Computer Languages Musical Instruments Interactive Computer Graphics Image Processing Computer Vision Camera TV Camera Abacus NC tools & Laser Lithography Natural Language Recognition Model Based Three Dimensional Television Robots Mobile Telephone Video Telephone Signing Grammars CAT, MRI and PET scanners VISIONHEARING SYMBOLIC
Spatial Models Spatial models underpin visual modes of communication Spatial Models also underpin a large number of applications CAD CAM CAE Pilot Training Simulators Environmental Planning & Monitoring Geographical Information Systems Medical Epidemiological Studies CAT MRI PET Scanners CAL Education Applications e-Books Publishing TV Games Entertainment Cinema Real and Virtual Environment Modelling
This Morning’s Programme Dr Andrew Fitzgibbon (Microsoft) sends his apology – yesterday he cannot make it: for family reasons Dr Joss Knight Natural Motion in Animation Prof Paul Gough Intelligent Space Instruments Dr Nick Collins Experiments in Music
This Afternoon’s Programme Dr John Torry Heart Sounds Dr Des Watson 3D Body Scanning Prof Dave Arnold History Heritage Prof Nigel Shadbolt BCS presidential keynote address