IMPAct: Interactive Medical Planner ACTing on your health IMPAct is a website application that creates an interactive medical calendar that allows you and your family to keep track of all your medical appointments as well as make sure that you and your family are on track with your personalized doctor's appointments. GOAL: to help inform users of their recommended screenings needed, based on their sex and age and to promote doctors visits. IMPAct will address a variety of health topics and promote a healthier life.
Features Google Calendars Calendars can be synced to: iPhone Android Blackberry Microsoft Outlook Customizable A family’s personalized medical appointments in one place Add location via Google maps for specific appointments Educational Each appointment gives: An accurate description An educational fact or statistic from the HIW or other source User Friendly Tutorial Videos Provided Two Step Process
Detailed Calendars for: Geriatrics Expectant Mothers Calendars based on: Family History Culture Lifestyle Filtered List of Doctors: List of well- recommended doctors in the users vicinity Smartphone App: App for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry
Principles of Usability applied to the IMPAct System (Dix, Findlay, Abowd, & Beale 2004,Human-ComputerInteraction) Learnability (the ease with which new users can begin effective interaction and achieve maximal performance) Predictability – Each age group and/or health screening guidelines performs in the same manner over life Generalizability – Can be used for the entire lifespan of an individual Consistency – Each tab, guideline and age group sequence performs in the same manner with the same headings Flexibility (the multiplicity of ways the user and system exchange information) Dialogue initiative – Appointments and selected information entered directly onto familiar calendar system Multithreading – Multiple age groups can be placed on a single calendar Task migratability – User can change dates and reset system when changes in guidelines are imposed from healthcare provider
Principles of Usability cont... Flexibility cont... Substitutivity – Can be transferred and used from different computer systems ; desktop, mobile app Customizability – Specific age groups and populations can apply information to themselves, friends and family Robustness (support provided the user in determining successful achievement of goal- directed behaviour) Observability – Familiarity with Google system and outlook allows user to troubleshoot and adjust system Recoverability – Use can take corrective action once an error has been recognized Responsiveness – Rapid rate of communication with the system – Stable Task conformance – Guidelines and calendar population is complete and adequate
Topics Leading to Project Design: Pediatrics Complete vaccination among children Proportion of preschool children aged 5 years and under who receive vision screening Women Female breast cancer deaths (Per 100,000) Percent of women age 18+ that report Pap smear Men Number of male deaths due to prostate cancer (ICD-10 codes C61) Men and Women Annual seasonal flu vaccine Proportion of adults who have had their blood cholesterol checked within the preceding 5 years Percent of adults age 50+ that report ever having had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy Health Indicator Warehouse Vaccines for diseases protection Hepatitis C - declined from an average of 450,000 in the 1980s to about 80,000 in 1999 due to vaccination. 5,000 persons will die each year from hepatitis B-related liver disease resulting in over $700 million in medical and work loss costs. Measles - In 1960 (before vaccine), 3 to 4 million cases/yr, 48,000 children hospitalized/each year with 400 to 500 deaths from complications. In 2008, 140 cases in US. Screenings for early cancer detection that have up to 90% cure rates (CDC, 2007) Colorectal; 2 nd male cancer, and 3 rd in women –142, 672 diagnosed; 53,219 deaths (U.S). Prostate; 1 st male cancer – 223,307 diagnosed; 29,093 deaths (U.S). Breast; 2 nd female cancer – 202,964 diagnosed; 40,598 deaths (U.S.). Effective Examples of Routine Preventive Healthcare
Additional Tools: The Facebook page will maintain awareness of different health issues, promoting action and preventative care. This tool will allow not only people in the community to promote a healthy life but a broader audience as well. Tutorial: Double-click to see video This tutorial will provide step by step instructions on how to use the IMPAct application.
We would like to thank our mentors for all their support and guidance: Anne-Marie O’Brien Kimberly Shea Richard Filley Vin Pizziconi