Air Quality Planning, Metro. Washington, DC-MD-VA Joan Rohlfs, Chief, Air Quality Planning Metropolitan Washington COG October 27, 2005
Overview Background: Clean Air Act, Definitions Health effects, Causes of Pollution Plan to Improve the Air (“SIP”) Air Quality and Transportation Conformity Planning for New Ozone Standard
Clean Air Act Amendments 1990 EPA set federal health standards for ambient pollutants NOx SO 2 Lead Ozone CO Particulate Matter
Clean Air Act Amendments 1990 CAAA classifies areas that do not meet the federal health standard as nonattainment areas -In 1991 Washington,D.C. region was designated a “serious” ozone nonattainment area; 2003 reclassified as “severe” Washington region designated moderate nonattainment for 8-hr ozone 2005 Washington region designated nonattainment for fine particles
Washington Region Designations PollutantDesignation Carbon Monoxide (CO)Attainment Nitrous Oxides (NO2)Attainment Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)Attainment Ozone 1-Hour standardNonattainment 8-hour standardNonattainment Particulates 10 micrg./m 3 Attainment 2.5 micrg/m 3 Nonattainment LeadAttainment
AQI Range AQI Color 8-Hr O3 Range (ppb) 24-Hr PM 2.5 Range (µg/m 3 ) Purple Red Orange Yellow Green AIR QUALITY INDEX
Health Effects & Causes
How is Ground-Level Ozone Formed?
Plan to Improve the Air
Metropolitan Washington DC-MD-VA Region 8-Hour Ozone Moderate Nonattainment Area District of Columbia Suburban Maryland (Montgomery, Prince George’s, Frederick, Charles, Calvert Counties) Virginia (Fairfax, Arlington, Loudoun, Prince William Counties, City of Alexandria)
Metropolitan Washington DC-MD-VA Region Fine Particle Nonattainment Area District of Columbia Suburban Maryland (Montgomery, Prince George’s, Frederick, Charles Counties) Virginia (Fairfax, Arlington, Loudoun, Prince William Counties, City of Alexandria
Challenge: New Ozone Standard 19 exceedances in 2005 (Code Orange) EPA modeling for the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) shows the Washington region not meeting the 2010 deadline for ozone. New control measures are needed to meet the new standard. 2010
Requirements for NAA Develop State Implementation Plan (SIP) containing measures to reduce emissions –Federal, state and local reductions measures Conduct transportation conformity analysis whenever new TIP is proposed
Air Quality Plan (“SIP”) A plan containing an emissions goal to improve air quality by a deadline established by the Clean Air Act The plan contains federal, state, and local measures to reduce air pollution
DC-MD-VA Air Quality Plan (“SIP”) Scope Commits to meet the ozone standard by the year 2009 Identifies control measures to be taken to reduce pollution created locally Identifies measures to reduce air pollution transported from our region into other states Sets a mobile emissions budget
CAAA Required Measures to Clean the Air Enhanced automobile inspection and maintenance testing program (I/M) Gasoline vapor recovery systems at gas stations Reasonably available control technology on major sources of NOx and VOCs New source permitting with lowest achievable emission rate and offsets for new and expanded sources
Attainment Demonstration New Photochemical Attainment Modeling 2002 Base Year All control measures by 2009 ozone season SIP Components Rate of Progress Demonstrations OPTION 1: 15% VOC reduction from 2002 baseline by 2008 OPTION 2: Areas with approved 1-hour 15% Plans do not need to show a second 15% VOC reduction. Demonstrate annual incremental reductions instead RACM Analysis Identifies Reasonably Available Control Measures for SIP Explains why other measures are not reasonably available Contingency Measures Measures to be implemented if region fails to attain in 2010 or does not demonstrate required progress Conformity/Mobile Budget
Control Measures in SIP Mandatory Measures (Regulations) Voluntary Measures: Reformulated paints and solvents Gas can replacement programs AFV purchases, wind energy purchase, green roofs, tree canopy
Reductions Credited Low-VOC Consumer Products Wind Power Purchase Gas Can Replacement Use of Low-VOC Paint Reduce Locomotive Idling Included, But No Credit Taken Alternative Fueled Vehicle Purchase Remote Sensing Device Diesel Retrofits (School and Transit Buses) Voluntary Bundle
States take credit for voluntary programs reducing future emissions. EPA Voluntary Measure Guidance Enables states to place non-regulatory pollution control strategies in a SIP Local programs rely on the actions of individuals, businesses, governments, agencies States must backfill shortfalls in a timely manner (allows for program substitution) Measures are enforced against the states.
Types of Voluntary Measures Non-Episodic Measures Reduce emissions every ozone season day Episodic Measures Reduce emissions on Ozone Action Days
Examples of Voluntary Measures Episodic Measures Lock Fuel Pumps Telework No lawn mowing Non-Episodic Measures Replace gas cans Buy low-VOC paint Retrofit diesel vehicles
Commitment Requirements Agree to monitor program and provide annual reports on program participation/effectiveness Signed Letter Program Details Estimate of Benefits Program Effectiveness Report
Control Measure Process Master List of measures (200+) Priority List of measures Voluntary Bundle (local measures) Analysis (benefit, cost effectiveness, timeliness) Public Meetings on control strategies – (Jan-March)
Washington Region SIP Deadlines Apr Jan 04 Apr 05 June 07 Sept 06 PM2.5 NAA Designation 8-Hr Ozone NAA Designation Attainment Date CAIR SIP DUE Ozone SIP DUE PM 2.5 SIP DUE
Next Steps Complete Attainment Modeling Winter 2005 Introduce New Legislation and Regulations Winter/Spring 2006 Complete SIP Fall/Winter 2006
For Further Information AIRNOW.ORG AIR-WATCH.ORG