Women in the Middle East By: Grace Frankel
Religion Wear a head to toe burqa Buqra, has one hole to see out of Must paint windows black Painting windows, no outside life Women can’t leave home without a man Leave home very rarely because most men don’t want to go everywhere for women Theses are women in burqas, this is something they must wear. These are women in burqas that cover them head to toe, they are commonly blue.
Marriage in Afghanistan A women’s husband is the only one who can see her without a burqa Girls get married as young as ten to an older man Most women experience some abuse from their husband Women commit suicide to escape the abuse Usually forced, other wise they don’t think highly of you 70%-80% of marriages are forced This is Aisha who got her nose cut off. On the right is her before and the left is after they cut her nose off, for running away from her husband’s house.
Health for Women in Afghanistan There is no heath care for the women Women have a very hard time get ways to overcome illness They can’t go anywhere without a man and if they don’t have health care it is hard to pay for treatment These untreated illnesses result in death The orphan girls in Afghanistan are almost never let outside By keeping these girls in it can cause illness and death from being inside so long This is an orphan girl in Afghanistan who is shaking a soldier's hand
November 8th, 2007 Happened in Kandahar 15 girls walking to school Two men on motor cycle threw acid on them Girls suffered sever burns and one lost sight This is common thought the middle east This is a women who is walking on the streets of Afghanistan, just like the girls who got acid thrown on them. These are men on motor cycles, just like the men who attacked the girls.
Daily life in Afghanistan for a women Majority are illiterate Expected life span of 44 years old, because of abuse and disease s mainly No accesses to internet for the women No internet, no communication with people from other counties No internet, people from other countries can’t communicate with them The X though the computer represents that there is no computer access for women in the Middle East
The Edict in Afghanistan Did not allow women to work or go to school Happened overnight, the lost all their rights overnight Tired going to work next day beaten and sent home Before the edict, 70% of teachers, 40% of doctors and 50% of university students where women Next day 100% men working all jobs and all the students attending school Two women in burqa walking in Afghanistan.
The Edict in Afghanistan Issued by the Taliban Restrict human rights Militia took control of two thirds of Afghanistan NOT allowed to have, music, kites, cameras, mixed sex photos, short hair, applause and smoking These are some of the things that got taken away. Form the women after the edict was in place
Widows in the Middle East Lucky to have a boy son who will beg for food 40,000 of them in Kabul Sit in the dark for most of the day Pray for humanitarian aid The diet is mainly grass, can’t get any food Widow: a women who lost her husband from a death and has not got remarried This is a women, tiring to get anything she can to survive.
Working in the Middle East Women are not allowed to have a “normal” job such as a; teacher, doctor, ect… Some sow cloths, blankets and other such Money goes to the family The family’s money is reflective of the means work Most of the money is made by the man That the money the women make essentially goes to the man This is a women sewing some type of clothing.
Effect on the USA Oil for our cars mostly comes from the middle east This cause grass prices to go up The prices go up because of all the things happening in the middle One thing in the middle east is Egypt wanting their president to leave People can’t communicate people in the United States and learn about other people thought the world Women can’t learn about any other countries It’s when Americans stop to to gas from a gas station like the one above. This is when people notice there is something happening according to the price. Oil company logo.
Dubai, UAE Very wealthy Have cities with malls and skyscrapers (more like cities we see here in the US) They do have restricted mobility rights They have more rights than most other women in the Middle East Money mainly comes from Western Military bases They still have to wear a burqa for religious reasons This is a home in Dubai, it looks just as big or bigger than the ones you see here in Deerfield. This is a city in Dubai, it looks very modern and a lot better then the rest of the Middle East.
Dubai Education They have a 90% literacy rate for women In the US there is a 99% literacy rate for women 77% of students continue education higher than high school who are women Three out of five students are women This is one of the only counties in the Middle East who allow women to go to school Young girls can also attend school These are girls outside a school in Dubai. As you an see life in Dubai is way different then in the rest of the Middle East.
References "Afghanistan - GENDER ROLES." Country Studies. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <http://countrystudies.us/afghanistan/58.htm>. "Culture of United Arab Emirates - traditional, history, people, women, beliefs, food, customs, family, social." Countries and Their Cultures. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <http://www.everyculture.com/To-Z/United-Arab- Emirates.html#ixzz1FfBaXMi8 "Flying Down to Kubul Women in Afghanistan: Education." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. N.p., 1 Aug. 2006. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <http://PBS.org>. "Flying Down to Kubul Women in Afghanistanstan:Employment." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. N.p., 1 Aug. 2006. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <http://PBS.org>. "Women's Rights, Security Frights, Kabul Nights: The Heat of Dubai." Women's Rights, Security Frights, Kabul Nights. N.p., 30 May 2006. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <http://ericaisaac.blogspot.com/2006/05/heat-of-dubai.html>.
References Johnson, Karen . "The Day the Music Died ." National Organization for Women (NOW). N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <http://www.now.org>. Moltlagh, Jason. "Women in Afghanistan Jailed for Fleeing Abusive Marriages - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com. N.p., 3 Jan. 2011. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2039564.00.html>. Qazi, Abdullah. "The Plight of the Afghan Women." Afghanistan Online . N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. <www.afghan-web.com/women/>. "Women in The UAE." His Highness . N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. <www.sheikhmohammed.co.ae/vgn-ext- templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=7d3c4c863...>. "Women in the UAE | UAE Embassy in Washington, DC." Welcome to the UAE Embassy in Washington, DC | UAE Embassy in Washington, DC. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <http://www.uae- embassy.org/uae/women-in-the-uae>.